• Would anyone know how you can change the image upload defaults fr. their current “Show-> thumbnail” and “Link to-> file” to “full size” and “none?”

    I’m surprised that the programmers didn’t allow users to customize these settings. Every time I upload an image I have to manually change these suckers.

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  • I would like to resolve this as well. When you upload the image and check the settings, it always defaults to “link to file”. I upload all my images at full size and have no reason for this, so I would like it to always default to “link toL none”

    Does anyone know how to do this?

    i’d love to do that as well …

    i wish i knew how to write plugins ;(

    the best thing is implement a system for manual crop the thumbanails

    i did the changes manually in the uploads.js

    reply here if you need more instructions on how to set your default selections.

    can you please show how you change the uploads.js?

    Okay guys, here’s the specific hack to set the defaults to ‘full size’ and ‘no link’. Slight variations will probably get you the other combinations.

    WARNING-1: Hacking with the files inside wordpress is a very bad idea. I avoid it at all costs, and so should you.
    WARNING-2: I’m no JS pro, not even close. This hack was made through trial and error but seems to work for me and I can’t think of a reason why it would break anything. It basically just changes the default which was hardcoded into the JS anyway.
    WARNING-3: If you ever upgrade wordpress you’ll have to do this to the new file, so keep a note about it for reference.

    In your wordpress install:


    At line 103 it says:

    checked = ‘display-thumb’;

    change it to (change ‘thumb’ to ‘full’):

    checked = ‘display-full’;

    At line 118 it says:
    h += “<label for=’link-none’><input type=’radio’ name=’link’ id=’link-none’ value=’none’ /> ” + this.none + “</label>”;

    change it to (add checked=’checked’ inside the <label>):

    h += “<label for=’link-none’><input type=’radio’ name=’link’ id=’link-none’ value=’none’ checked=’checked’ /> ” + this.none + “</label>”;

    Then enjoy your newly useful uploader!

    Hopefully this will just be added as a feature.

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