• I’m not sure what happened to the plugin author.. I haven’t seen many responses, but here are some updates that I hope helps someone else.

    I am a very picky weather widget person… and after initially shooting this plugin down, I gave it another try. It took alot of manual editing but it is finally perfect.

    I know others have asked about removing certain data fields, and I had that same issue…. and same goes for custom text that did not show up, so those were manual as well. It seems that the CSS codes did work properly, so you can still made those changes thru the plugin options.

    I also found that certain cities WOEID codes did not work with this widget— that’s a bummer. When I used the nearest big city, and it worked ok… but still wish it worked with any city code.

    I also needed to remove the blank space that was left at the top, if you had no widget title. This is the CSS I used to hide that :

    /* Hide widget title on top of beautiful yahoo weather sidebar widget */
    #byw-2 .widget-title {
    	display: none;

    I have manually edited the shortcode.php file (in the inc directory), and finally made it work for me…. I’ll paste the code below and hopefully it helps others.
    Make sure you Rename or backup your original shortcode.php file.
    Then dump this code into new file with shortcode.php filename, then upload via FTP:

    <?php // [beautiful-yahoo-weather]
    function beautifulyahooweather_func()
    	$location = get_option('byw_woeid');
    	$unit = get_option('byw_unit');
    	$imgset = plugins_url('../images/', __FILE__) . get_option('byw_image_set') . "/png/";
    	$lang = get_option('byw_lang');
    	$name_city = get_option('byw_name_city');
    	$bgcolor = get_option('byw_bgcolor');
    	$css = get_option('byw_css');
    	$mylang = get_option('byw_mylang');
    	$smylang = get_option('byw_smylang');
    	// Get database cache
    	$byw_feed = get_transient('weather_feed');
    	if (empty($byw_feed))
    		$query = "select * from weather.forecast where location = '" . $location . "' and u = '" . $unit . "'";
    		$url = 'https://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?q=' . urlencode($query) . '&rnd=' . date('Y') . (date('n') - 1) . date('w') . date('G') . '&format=json';
    		$jsonStr = file_get_contents($url);
    		$phpobj = json_decode($jsonStr);
    		$byw_feed = $phpobj->query->results->channel;
    		// Set database cache
    		set_transient('weather_feed', $byw_feed, 5*60);
    	$wd = $byw_feed->wind->direction;
    	$wf = $byw_feed->item->forecast[0]; //today
    	$wf_1 = $byw_feed->item->forecast[1]; // after 1 day
    	$wf_2 = $byw_feed->item->forecast[2]; // after 2 day
    	if ("315" <= $wd or $wd < "45")
    		$wind_jahat = 3; // 3=North
    	elseif ("45" <= $wd and $wd < "135")
    		$wind_jahat = 4; // 4=East
    	elseif ("135" <= $wd and $wd < "225")
    		$wind_jahat = 5; // 5=South
    		$wind_jahat = 6; //6=West
        if (!empty($wd)) { ?>
                <div class="weather-wid" style="font-family: inherit; direction:<?php print $byw_rtlorltr ?>; background-color:<?php print $bgcolor; ?>; overflow:hidden; padding: 0px;">
                    <div class="now-weather">
                                            <div class="c-now-weather" style="margin: 0px; font-size: 22px; color: rgba(81, 81, 81, 1); margin: 0 0 4px 0; <?php print "font-size: $css[2]px; color: $css[3]; font-family:$css[4];" ?> "><?php print $name_city; ?><img style="margin-top:-20px;margin-left:6px; float: none;" src="<?php print plugins_url( '../images/i1.png' , __FILE__ ) ?>"></div>
                        <div class="t-now-weather" style="float:left; width: 100%; <?php if ( $byw_rtlorltr=="rtl" ){ print 'text-align: right;';}else{print 'text-align: left;';} ?>">
                         <img style="margin-bottom: -10px; float:<?php if($byw_rtlorltr=="rtl") { print 'left';} else { print 'right';} ?>;max-width: 50%; <?php print "height: $css[0]px; width: $css[1]px;" ?>" src="<?php print $imgset; ?><?php print $byw_feed->item->condition->code; ?>.png">
                            <span style=" <?php print "font-size: $css[5]px; color: $css[6]; font-family:$css[7];" ?> "><?php print $byw_feed->item->condition->temp; ?></span>
                            <sup class="c-t-now-weather" style="color:rgba(131, 131, 131, 0.43); <?php print "font-size: $css[8]px; color: $css[9]; font-family:$css[10];" ?> ">
                                °<?php print strtoupper($unit); ?>
                            <br />
                            <span class="w-c-t-now-weather" style=" <?php print "font-size: $css[11]px; color: $css[12]; font-family:$css[13];" ?> ">
                                <?php print " ".$condition_text[$lang][$byw_feed->item->condition->code]; ?>
                            <br />
                        <div style="float:left; width:100%;font-size:11px;">
                            <span class="b-now-weather" style="font-size: 12px; <?php print "font-size: $css[14]px; color: $css[15]; font-family:$css[16];" ?> ">
                                <?php print $transl[$lang][0]; ?>: <?php print round($byw_feed->wind->speed,1); ?> k/h
                            <br />
                            <span style="font-size: 12px; <?php print "font-size: $css[17]px; color: $css[18]; font-family:$css[19];" ?> ">
                                Wind direction: <?php print $transl[$lang][$wind_jahat]; ?>
    					<br />
    					<span style=" <?php print "font-size: $css[31]px; color: $css[32]; font-family:$css[33];" ?> ">
                            <?php print $transl[$lang][7] . ": " . $byw_feed->astronomy->sunrise . " , " . $transl[$lang][8] . ": " . $byw_feed->astronomy->sunset;  ?>
                        <span style="float:left; width:100%; margin-bottom:5px;font-size:9px;<?php print "font-size: $css[34]px; color: $css[35]; font-family:$css[36];" ?> ">
                            <?php print $transl[$lang][9] . ": " . $byw_feed->atmosphere->humidity ." %  , " . $transl[$lang][11] . ": " . round($byw_feed->atmosphere->pressure/1000, 2) . " bar"; ?>
                    <div style="font-size:14px; overflow:hidden; width:100%; float:left;">
                        <div style="font-size:14px; float:left; width:32%; text-align:center;  <?php print "font-size: $css[22]px; color: $css[23]; font-family:$css[24];" ?> " class="today">
                            <img style="max-width:100%;<?php print "height: $css[20]px; width: $css[21]px;" ?>" src="<?php print $imgset.$wf->code; ?>.png">
                            <br />
                            <?php print $transl[$lang][2]; ?>
                            <br />
                            <span class="ht-today" style="color:rgba(81, 81, 81, 1); <?php print "font-size: $css[25]px; color: $css[26]; font-family:$css[27];" ?>"><?php print $wf->high; ?><sup class="s-today">°</sup></span> <span style="color:#aeb2ae; <?php print "font-size: $css[28]px; color: $css[29]; font-family:$css[30];" ?> " class="lt-today"><?php print $wf->low; ?><sup class="s-today">°</sup></span>
                        <div class="today" style="font-size:14px; text-align:center; border-right:2px solid rgba(240, 240, 240, 0.66); border-left:2px solid rgba(240, 240, 240, 0.66);float:left; width:33%; <?php print "font-size: $css[22]px; color: $css[23]; font-family:$css[24];" ?> ">
                            <img style="max-width:100%; <?php print "height: $css[20]px; width: $css[21]px;" ?> " src="<?php print $imgset.$wf_1->code; ?>.png">
                            <br />
                            <?php print esc_attr($transl[$lang][$condition_day[$wf_1->day]]); ?>
                            <br />
                            <span class="ht-today" style="color:rgba(81, 81, 81, 1); <?php print "font-size: $css[25]px; color: $css[26]; font-family:$css[27];" ?>"><?php print $wf_1->high; ?><sup class="s-today">°</sup></span> <span style="color:#aeb2ae; <?php print "font-size: $css[28]px; color: $css[29]; font-family:$css[30];" ?>" class="lt-today"> <?php print $wf_1->low; ?><sup class="s-today">°</sup></span>
                        <div style=" font-size:14px; float:left; width:32%; text-align:center; <?php print "font-size: $css[22]px; color: $css[23]; font-family:$css[24];" ?> " class="today">
                            <img style="max-width:100%; <?php print "height: $css[20]px; width: $css[21]px;" ?> " src="<?php print $imgset.$wf_2->code; ?>.png">
                            <br />
                            <?php print esc_attr($transl[$lang][$condition_day[$wf_2->day]]); ?>
                            <br />
                            <span class="ht-today" style="color:rgba(81, 81, 81, 1); <?php print "font-size: $css[25]px; color: $css[26]; font-family:$css[27];" ?> "><?php print $wf_2->high; ?><sup class="s-today">°</sup></span> <span style="color:#aeb2ae; <?php print "font-size: $css[28]px; color: $css[29]; font-family:$css[30];" ?> " class="lt-today"> <?php print $wf_2->low; ?><sup class="s-today">°</sup></span>
            <?php } } add_shortcode('beautiful-yahoo-weather', 'beautifulyahooweather_func'); ?>



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