• Darren Hewer


    While testing WP 6.7, I noticed that the Appearance > Customize buttons in the sidebar have been given some new styles, and they are making the buttons fill 100% of the height:


    This is when I go to the “old” Customize (wp-admin/customize.php) and it happens on all three of the sites I’ve tested, all of which use different themes and plugins.

    The culprit seems to be this CSS which was added for 6.7, specifically the “height: 100%;” attribute because when I remove that height attribute, the buttons look/function as expected:

    .accordion-section-title button.accordion-trigger {
    all: unset;
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;
    padding: 10px 10px 11px 14px;
    display: flex;
    align-items: center;

    Is this an oversight in 6.7 or all three sites just unlucky to be having this same issue? We haven’t upgraded in production yet and I’m wondering if I need to add an override for this or wait for a bug fix. We need to use the Customizer as we have “classic” themes and a bunch of functionality that uses it.

    Thank you for all replies!

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  • I just set up a fresh installation of WP 6.7.1 and added the Themes Astra and Neve for testing purposes -> no problem with the “old” customizer buttons.

    Adding plugins … Astra Pro (4.8.7) … plus Elementor (3.25.10) … plus Elementor Pro (3.25.4) … still no problems.

    Adding “Ultimate Addons for Elementor (v1.37.0) ” -> the buttons have this huuuge padding top and bottom : (

    Deactivating “UAE” -> padding is normal again.
    Reproducable with Astra 4.8.7 and Neve 3.8.15.

    I’ve opened a ticket at brainstormforce.com (developer of UAE)

    <font _mstmutation=”1″></font>La solution temporaire de Stephen Bernhardt (@sabernhardt) (merci à lui) fonctionne, à copier dans un fichier functions.php de votre thème enfant. Malgré que je suis sous WordPress 6.7.1 aucune autre solution n’a fonctionné pour moi, thème Education Mind de chez HoneyPress par Axle Themes version gratuite

    /*** Correctif du personnalisateur – Version WordPress 6.7.1 ***/
    function wp670_customize_admin_enqueue_scripts() {
    $css = ‘.accordion-section-title button.accordion-trigger { height : auto ; }’ ;
    wp_add_inline_style( ‘customize-controls’, $css ) ;
    add_action( ‘admin_enqueue_scripts’, ‘wp670_customize_admin_enqueue_scripts’ ) ;

    • This reply was modified 3 months, 2 weeks ago by bipbipcoyote.

    This temporary fixed also worked for me after installing the plugin and adding the CSS.
    Hopefully WordPress will fix this bug soon.


    Temporary fixes by editing the functions.php does not work for me; I had to fix more than 200 Websites :/

    Interesting enough, the problem occurs in Firefox 132.0.2 (macOS) but not in Chrome 131.0.6778.86 (macOS) …

    • This reply was modified 3 months, 2 weeks ago by Christian Sabo. Reason: correct version number

    I clearly found the source of the problem in the buttons on the left side of the Customize section in the wp-admin panel.

    After the update of the Elementor Header & Footer Builder plugin, the name of the plugin was changed to Addons for Elementor Lite (UAE Lite).

    After the update of this plugin, there was a problem in the Customize section. I opened a topic on the subject in the support section of the plugin in the link below.


    I am also thinking of adding custom css to the wp-admin panel and temporarily solving the problem. I am very curious to see what the plugin developers will say.

    After the Ultimate Addons for Elementor Lite (UAE Lite) plugin update, you can fix the CSS problem that occurs in the buttons on the left side in the Appearance > Customize section in the wp-admin panel with function.php as follows

    /* wp-admin panel Appearance > Customize button css fix */

    function custom_admin_styles() {
    <style type="text/css">
    .accordion-section-title button.accordion-trigger {
    height: auto;
    add_action('customize_controls_print_styles', 'custom_admin_styles');

    Thank you! I am experiencing the same problem and the Admin CSS plugin did the trick;



    Based on the code from @cheydesofblack I made this snippet, no plugins required
    Thank you all.

    /* customizer_fix */
    function customizer_fix() {
    echo '<style>
    .accordion-section-title button.accordion-trigger{
    height: auto! important;
    add_action('customize_controls_head', 'customizer_fix');


    @jlmwp this was already fixed in the latest release of WordPress, no code required.

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