Depends on your experience with theme development! If you create a custom template (as per the instructions here), you can basically do whatever you want with it.
It’s exactly like creating a template file in your theme using a custom loop via WP_Query, except the query is already defined.
The widget has access to the exact same data you’d have access to if you created a custom loop, you just have to use the $posts
variable when instantiating it. It’ll look like this:
<?php if ( $posts -> have_posts() ) :
while ( $posts -> have_posts() ) :
$posts -> the_post; ?>
<h1><?php the_title(); ?></h1>
<?php the_content(); ?>
<?php endwhile; endif; ?>
You could definitely pull in an iCal feed, if you wanted to, but I’m not totally sure how you’d go about it. It could be done via a custom field, which you’d then have access to in the template file.
A good place to start is to grab the included template file, copy it over to your theme’s directory, and customize it from there.
Hope you find this little plugin helpful.