• I had this crazy idea I wanted an easier way to organize all my personal data — Passwords and all the websites I visit, Contact Information, Favorite Quotes, Books to Read, Projects I’m working on, project ideas, personal goals — in one location, available to me on multiple computers and easy to update.

    First though, well maybe I could put this all in a spreadsheet, put it in a password protected folder on a server somewhere.

    Then I thought, why not make it totally web based and customize a wordpress install to do what I need. I can password protect the install folder and keep all pages private so it’s super secure …

    Anyone have any thoughts?

    Anyone use anything else to manage all their data?

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  • i think its a horrible idea if you want my honest opinion. email yourself the/a list.

    Amen. WP blogs get hacked. Servers get hacked. Do you really want some idiot running around loose with your sensitive information? You may as well post it on the bathroom wall of your favorite local pub.

    If you have a cPanel account, just create a text file of that information and put it in the NON-PUBLIC area of your web site. Then login to cPanel and view that file. Seems to be that’s the best you can hope for but I’m no security expert. Whoo? What about this idea?

    thats better than putting it up on a web site, for sure.

    Back in the olden days, people kept valuable information in safety deposit boxes. They are still around for a good reason.



    Back in the olden days, people kept valuable information in safety deposit boxes.

    No they didn’t. In the olden days, valuable information was kept under the mattress. Or out in the shed. Or buried in the backyard…with all the bodies.

    That would definitely be cheaper than a safety deposit box.



    A useless post just to see why gravatars haven’t updated.

    Nothing to see here, move along…

    Edit: Well that didn’t work. I suppose these things take time.

    mine took time .. I was impatient, didnt like having to wait.

    Thread Starter benfranklin


    I never replied to this because apparently I am the kind of jerk who posts things and then doesn’t look at replies until 4-months later but check it:

    I wound up creating this anyway … I just didn’t put any sensitive info online, I keep it on my computer in a local database and when I wanna access it I fire up MAMP … it’s just cool to have all this stuff in one database with a totally custom WordPress template.

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