• I am aware of the “attachment_fields_to_edit” filter, but that does not work for the situation I want to accomplish.

    I want to customize the “Upload files” tab. I want an extra tickbox to be available to be shown when they have selected a file or dropped a file to be uploaded, before the actual uploading starts.

    How can I do that?

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by Jan Dembowski.
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  • Your question suggests to me that we’re missing some context. What are you trying to accomplish? The very specific need you’ve brought might be only one way to get the broader result you want.

    Since the upload begins the moment a file is dropped, I think you would need to edit the JavaScript that’s in charge of that functionality. To get between the drop and the actual upload, you would need to make changes around Line 602 of wp-includes\js\plupload\handlers.js. I arrived here after looking through \wp-admin\media-new.php and \wp-includes\script-loader.php, in case it helps.

    Thread Starter tsjippy



    Yes the final result I want to accomplish is that if someone wants to upload a word or other text document, they will have the option to include the textfiles content in the post

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