Customizing the yith-woocommerce-multi-step-checkout plugin
Hello Admin,
Iam a web developer and need some help customizing the “YITH WooCommerce Multi-step” Checkout plugin and having some issues with the plugin. Plugin link:-
My client wants it to look more like shopify layout.plugin name:- YITH WooCommerce Multi-step
Website link:-
SHop page:- a product to cart and check the checkout step.
The checkout process is already customized.Iam summarizing the things that i have changed in the multi step checkout as follows:-
1. The order of the steps has been changed.The order i read in one of the forums cannot be changed but i have done this by exchanging the codes in woocommerce templates.(Example replacing the billing form with shipping and vice versa to change the order of the steps.)
2. Removed the login steps.I have removed the following code to achieve this from the checkout-timeline.php file:-
<?php if( ! $is_user_logged_in ) : ?>
<li id=”timeline-0″ data-step=”0″ class=”timeline login <?php echo ! $is_user_logged_in ? ‘active’ : ”;?>” >
<div class=”timeline-wrapper”>
<span class=”timeline-step <?php echo $with_icon ? ‘with-icon’ : ” ?>”>
<?php if( $with_icon ) : ?>
” alt=”<?php echo $labels[‘login’] ?>” class=”<?php echo $image_class; ?>” width=”<?php echo YITH_Multistep_Checkout()->sizes[‘yith_wcms_timeline_’ . $style][‘width’]; ?>” height=”<?php echo YITH_Multistep_Checkout()->sizes[‘yith_wcms_timeline_’ . $style][‘width’]; ?>” />
<?php else : ?>
<?php echo $i= $i + 1 ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<span class=”timeline-label”><?php echo $labels[‘login’] ?></span>
</div><?php en
dif; ?>Then i have added the active class to the first step.
3.The client needed the shipping methods to be chosen in the checkout process so i have copied the following code and pasted it in the form-shipping.php file:-
<?php if ( WC()->cart->needs_shipping() && WC()->cart->show_shipping() ) : ?>
<?php do_action( ‘woocommerce_review_order_before_shipping’ ); ?>
<?php wc_cart_totals_shipping_html(); ?>
<?php do_action( ‘woocommerce_review_order_after_shipping’ ); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
</div>This code is for the selection of the shipping method.This works and updates the order review step.
4.CLient needed for a order review to be shown in every step so i have made another colomn in steps(By steps i mean i made changes in the forms like form-billing.php,form-shipping etc) and have pasted the following code for the order review to be shown:-
<?php do_action( ‘yith_woocommerce_checkout_order_review’ ); ?>
<input type=”checkbox” name=”payment_method” value=”” data-order_button_text=”” style=”display: none;” />5.Many of the form fields have changed by woocommerce checkout manager plugin.But this should not considered in this case i believe.
I need you to approve the above changes i made. Are they done properly ? I have tested the paypal payment by sandbox testing and it works fine.
The changes i need to be made to the checkout process are as follows:-
1.The user should not be able to got to the next step unless they the required fields in the shipping or billing form are filled.
2. Can i choose the logos of the credit card in the last tab ie.Payment tab. And i ant a text saying “And more” on only one of the payment mentgod ie or is this related to woocommerce customization? .
3.The tax does not show on order review when the user puts the state.I have a perticualar tax on ohio state.
If you need any more info on the website please say so.
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