• Hi, I have been trying to install SumoMe plugin. It did not install correctly. I wrote to them and they said it may be because of incompatibility with my theme. Apparently there needs to be some sort of header code in my theme for it to install to. I looked without touching, through my Childify and parent theme areas and could see nothing remotely similar to <header> <header>

    I am using Customizr Childify. I know nothing about coding.

    When I read the reviews of SumoMe, a user strongly suggested installing SumoMe through Google Tag Mamager and not through the WP plugin upload because SumoMe has not updated that particular plugin and it causes slow sites.

    So now I am left with trying to figure out how to install google tag manager and SumoMe. As I said, I know nothing about code or where to put the code they want in my child theme. If I put it in my customizr parent, then it gets erased every time I update.

    Does anyone know how or where to install these two things? Google tag manager and SumoeMe? All thoughts are appreciated. Thank you in advance.

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  • Without knowing anything about that plugin, I did manage to Install it from here without any problems. But I was using WP4.3/Czr3.4.15.

    It says it was updated 4 days ago – that will be because WP4.4 was released yesterday and all Themes/Plugins have to make changes to stay compatible. So not the best time to be adding new Plugins until the WP4.4 update has settled in.

    The header code is different with Czr as it used modern, robust, object-oriented structures, not the traditional WP structure. But there are ways to do it if needed.

    So when you say it did not Install correctly, what exactly happened?

    Thread Starter daisyb11


    Hi, thank you for responding. I tried several times to install it through the plugin area within my WP dashboard, prior to the new 4.4 update to wordpress. It locked up my backend immediately.

    When I tried looking up info on the install, the info was that there needed to be header tags <header> <header> tags for the sumome to be installed in. I can’t find that area in Crz and don’t know how to access my WP settings. I think they are over-ridden by Czr.
    I love customizr theme and would rather work with it that get a different theme.

    As I’ve said, there’s a lot happening at the moment. WP4.4, there will be a new release of Czr soon.

    As long as you have backups, might be worth going through those upgrades and trying Sumome again after that. Let us know how it goes.

    Thread Starter daisyb11


    Thank you. I would appreciate that.

    Thread Starter daisyb11


    I am back to check this issue. I am using Crz 3.4.16 and WP4.4 and WPSpamSheild.
    I have managed to create a SumoMe tag in google tag manager but it isn’t working. It shows up on the website if I don’t sign in way to the right side with no useability functions.

    Google tag manager says I have to install it in the body of every page but I do not know where to do that because of the child parent situation with Czr. So I installed it through the plugin google Tag manager by George Stephanis.

    I tried again to install sumome through the plugin area and it still locks up.
    I added contact 7 because Crz says it acknowledges that. So I am stuck with these messes:
    1) I have to use Spamshield sign up form for my contact page
    2) I have to use contact 7 form for my free ebook page but it won’t send the link to anyone but me.
    3) I can’t find a way to make a simple sidebar widget for simple name-email signups.
    4) The console for sumo Me doesn’t show up in my dashboard
    5) the console for tag manager doesn’t show up in my dashboard
    6) Google tag manager won’t talk to G. Analytics or Sumome

    I looked at the download page where you said you installed sumome from but I don’t understand what you did. Could you clarify how you installed sumome from that page?

    I downloaded sumome.zip from that page, and then Add Plugin and used the install zip feature.

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