I managed to insert inside tip text the following shortcode
[lang idioma="en"]ENGLISH TEXT[/lang] [lang idioma="es"]SPANISH TEXT[/lang]
and make it work. I have the shortcode registered in fuctions.php
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Shortcode [lang idioma="en"] [/lang]
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
add_shortcode( 'lang', 'wpml_find_language');
function wpml_find_language( $attr, $content = null ){
'idioma' => '',
), $attr));
$current_language = ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE;
if($current_language == $idioma){
$output = do_shortcode($content);
$output = "";
return $output;
The point is I’m using exactly the same shortcode and fuctions.php in another site, and the output text includes the shortcode instead of executing it.