• Hi all,

    I have recently moved from Wix to Bluehost for my hosting. This meant I had to start using WordPress. I am no whizz when it comes to this sort of thing and really all I wanted was to be able to write and publish so those that are interested can read the posts.

    I had a ‘style’ for the site when it was on Wix and I wanted to keep something like it. When I saw DarkNews, that was pretty close to exactly what I wanted so I dived in.

    As I mentioned, I’m no whizz at this and to be frank, I made getting to the point that I am at now much harder than it needed to be. This is nothing to do with DarkNews, and if I’m being less harsh on myself, a lot of the problems seemed to be with what was happening with my domain name and other issues completely outside of the DarkNews purview.

    Once I had a basic grip of what DarkNews could do it started to open up a whole host, no pun intended, of opportunities, which I have yet to take advantage of, but definitely will.

    Yes, I can say that I am really happy with DarkNews. Oh, maybe I should also mention that I am using the free edition. I have yet to look at what the paid version can do but I am sure it will be very good. However, I do not know if I would be able to take advantage of the additional features. I certainly cannot at the moment as I am still learning to get the most from the free version!

    I would certainly recommend DarkNews for beginners that have a news/commentary type of blog/website.

    To me, it looks very professional, functional and to the point. For those with much more knowledge than I, which is most, I am sure that the modifications that can be made will allow changes that will only serve to improve and tailor the site to your exact requirements.

    Thank you to the DarkNews developers and anyone trying the site, I wish you all the success I am sure your endeavours deserve.

    Take care all, be safe and well.

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