• Everything is very clean and displays nicely on computers and tablets. Upon viewing my website on my Samsung Exhibit II, the sidebars are shifted to the very bottom of the page which isn’t so good because sidebars are meant to be in plain view to a site visitor not shoved all the way to the bottom. Also I noticed that Floating social buttons doesn’t display at all.

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  • saravananbalan


    This is a “responsive” theme. In all responsive themes, the sidebars usually shift to the bottom when the screen width is too small. If you want a theme where the side-bars don’t shift to the bottom, consider using an older (non-responsive) theme.

    As a designer I recommend keeping the sidebar at the bottom.from a usability and accessibility perspective this is a better option as it makes your site more readable on smaller devices. In 2010 Ethan Marcote released a now famous article, which introduced responsive design as the future. https://alistapart.com/article/responsive-web-design

    Good luck with your site

    Judith knight

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