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  • I’m having a similar problem. Haven’t been able to find the answer. Posting to follow replies.

    Same here… Looking all over for help. Disabling plugins and clearing cache doesn’t help, and problem exixts in both latest versions of IE and FF.

    Have you tried resetting the plugins folder by phpMyAdmin? Sometimes, an apparently inactive plugin can still cause problems.

    Im having the same problems, i have renamed my plugins folder and created a new empty one – tried swapping the http.php for a new still nothing works, i have noticed with IE exploder on initial load it shows correctly but none of the plugins work and as soon as i refresh the page it looks like a site map again…

    I benefited from this debate

    check your .php code! I stumbled across a plug in that was infected with some sort of “worm” that infects the .php files and causes the formatting issue in the back end it begins with <?php /**/ eval(base64_decode(“JGs9MTI0OyRt… it acts like a worm that will infect .php files. the code appears to infect the header section and may result in a header already sent error and the page not being displayed or you may appear to lose your CSS and your site or parts of it may appear like a site map. the code is at the top of all the .php files. delete the bad code from all the .php pages and check the sub directories (dont forget to flush the cash)

    Wouldn’t it be easier just to upload and overwrite all the files instead of editing each one?

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