• I just upgraded to WordPress 2.5. My site itself is fine, but when I go to my Dashboard all I see is: Fatal error: Call to undefined function wp_register_sidebar_widget() in /home/sipefree/public_html/perfectism/wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php on line 31. That error appears on /wp-admin/index.php. However, if I manually type in the names of other admin pages they load fine.

    Anybody know what the problem is/how to fix it?

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  • do you have an index.php in your plugins directory??? If, so, delete it, and see if that fixes it.

    Same happens to me. Only difference is that the error is on line 46. Annoying.

    And I don’t have any index.php on my plugins directory.


    check your plugins, disable them one at a time. You can get to your admin area, you just need to call another page other then wp-admin/index.php to get there.

    I have disabled my plugins and nothing… There is no difference if I call wp-admin/index.php or just wp-admin. Like perfectism, all others admin pages work fine, it seems to be a dashboard problem:

    Fatal error: Cannot use string offset as an array in …/public_html/wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php on line 46

    I already deleted includes folder and uploaded it again in case of any uploading error.

    I’m lost.

    I am having this same problem on line 31….Did anyone come up with a solution?


    Somebody resolved this issue:

    Basically just need to delete the “dashboard_widget_options” entry in the wp_options table. The post describes in detail how to do it.


    Hey there,
    If I delete index.php from the Plugins directory, the WordPress gives exactly this error:

    WordPress> Error
    Cannot load index.php.

    So it’s not such a great help…

    You get “Cannot load index.php” if you immediately click “Dashboard”. Click somewhere else first (in the sidebar) then click “Dashboard”.

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