• The top of my dashboard is pushed down and there are a bunch of (approx. 12) cryptic messages above it that read something to the effect of:

    Warning: SimpleXMLElement::__construct(): Entity: line 2: parser error : AttValue: ” or ‘ expected in /home/seasider/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-fb/wp-fb.php on line 67

    They all have to do with the same “line 67” but I have no idea what that means.

    It happened just after I updated multiple plugins and widgets.

    If anyone could offer some assistance in making this disappear, it would be much appreciated.

    Thanks in advance for any assistance.

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  • Try to disable the wp-fb plugin. According with error you sent, the issue is coming from it.

    Thread Starter geraldmortensen


    So is that the Facebook plugin that allows users to login using FB? No idea where that would be located. We have a simple FB “like us” widget…not sure where the wp-fb would be.

    Just because the plugins folder is called /wp-fb/ doesn’t mean that you’ll see that name in the plugins list. If you’ve only got that one Facebook plugin on your site then disable that and see if that makes a difference. It should as the error is coming from a plugin.

    If it doesn’t then you’ll need to disable all plugins and go back to the default theme, and then re-enable everything one-by-one to see which plugin, or your theme, is causing the problem.

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