Hello, I got a white screen when I activated this on our test blog. Sorry for hijacking this thread, but I think it is very likely the same issue and I hope I can help to resolve it for other users.
I am using the latest version of wordpress with no other plugins activated and the default theme is active.
I have a dedicated 16 processor server with more than enough resources and more than enough ram assigned per account.
Server Errors
Checked the server error logs and could not see any recent issues, only old issues that I have previously addressed.
Flipped on wordpress debug mode in wp-config.php by adding:
define(‘WP_DEBUG’, true);
Two errors were found which relate to the plugin:
Notice: Only variable references should be returned by reference in /wp-content/plugins/live-dashboard/live-dashboard.php on line 64
Fatal error: Call-time pass-by-reference has been removed; If you would like to pass argument by reference, modify the declaration of apply_filters(). in /wp-content/plugins/live-dashboard/lib/live-admin/functions.php on line 27
I suspect these two errors to be the culprit for the white screen.
Looking forward to being able to test this plugin and see what it can do.