• Resolved KippH


    What happen to the Admin Dashboard Widgets?

    Code from 2.1.17

    //add dashboard widget
    function backwpup_add_dashboard() {
    	if (!current_user_can(BACKWPUP_USER_CAPABILITY))
    	wp_add_dashboard_widget( 'backwpup_dashboard_widget_logs', __('BackWPup Logs','backwpup'), 'backwpup_dashboard_logs' , 'backwpup_dashboard_logs_config');
    	wp_add_dashboard_widget( 'backwpup_dashboard_widget_activejobs', __('BackWPup Scheduled Jobs','backwpup'), 'backwpup_dashboard_activejobs' );


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  • Anonymous User 7658014


    Hi KippH, we’ve moved them to the plugin’s own dashboard page in /wp-admin/admin.php?page=backwpup.

    Thread Starter KippH


    Well we really liked them on the main dashboard for simplicity. We could quickly check for any issues or problems with all our plug-ins.

    Must confess that I tend to agree with KippH on this one !

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