• Fresh install of WordPress 2.8.
    Using Godaddy.com free economy hosting.
    Website looks fine: https://www.21105oakdale.com.
    I can login in to dashboard admin fine.

    However, it appears the dashboard has no formatting – ie, it appears it is not calling the css correctly.

    (I’m a novice but have somewhat of an understanding of this stuff).

    I’ve tried reinstalling the wp-admin and wp-includes folders.
    I’ve tried resetting the cache and cookies.
    I’ve tried refreshing the permalinks.

    All of the above were tips I found on the WP forums.

    Unfortunately, none has worked thus far.

    Any tips?

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  • Here’s how I fixed the WordPress WYSIWYG editor on a Godaddy site. Tested on WordPress 2.6.3, I haven’t test the fix with 2.8.5 yet.



    brilliant! thanks so much for this life-saver!!!
    your code works very well. now have no more ads and widgets work. have not tried out the wysiwyg editor yet, but have a quick question:

    // **********************************************
    // Clean for godaddy free hosting
    $st_data = file_get_contents( $href );
    $st_data = substr( $st_data, 0, strrpos( $st_data, '</iframe>' ) );
    echo "<style type='text/css' media='all'>\n";
    echo $st_data;
    echo "#conash3D0 { display:none; }\n";
    echo "</style>\n";
    // **********************************************

    the above code works perfectly for the admin panel.
    now, would it not be possible to paste something similar to

    echo "#conash3D0 { display:none; }\n";

    somewhere to avoid having to alter all the themes you might install.
    Like somewhere where the templates are loaded in the php or perhaps in index.php could one not paste in an “include” or “require” or something?
    noob would like to know…

    thanks so much.

    AH, NOW I UNDERSTOOD! put it in BOTH PLACES! takes care of everything!!!
    thanks again,
    Now am going to try out the wysiwyg.


    Ah, alas, it first worked, now does not work any more for front end.
    what happened, I don’t know.
    Question is still open.
    any way to add an include or require somewhere to get rid of ads also on front end?

    Hmmm, something still does not work. Just before I was able to work with widgets, now after adding a new theme that is broken again. It only marks everything on the widgets selection page when you try to moved them around. Maybe have to play with your fix for the wysiwyg first and see if that does anything. reaching in the dark here… oh well, more experimenting.
    this will definitely work soon!!



    I would like to try your fix for the tinymce editor, but really, there is no js_cache folder that I can find anywhere.
    I have saved a post and obviously, wp-content folder is writable. am using 2.6.8. What do you think where I can look for that cache folder? there is no uploads folder under wp-content…


    Your code worked brilliantly on one of my installs. The editor now works, little bit slow, nevertheless, no problems.

    only problem is with pictures, that interface is still hacked up by the banner ad.
    this is not a real hardship, as one can simply edit in html.
    some of the plugins do not work very well, granted, but the basic thing was to have a wordpress install here without all the hassle of the banner.

    so, some of the problems I was having were with the plugins, for sure.

    Thanks so much. You do a brilliant job!

    ?? glogo

    Stefano is THE MAN!!!

    I had all the sites fixed and then it is all back again. Do you think that GoDaddy created code to undo the conash style added to the css?

    The kind of time that goes into this with a new version of wordpress coming out weekly at times makes me think $50 is really not much in order to avoid the headaches.

    Did anyone else have there dashboard go haywire today?

    Yes yes, hold your applause I am an idiot. I used the long post above from NuAngel for the scriptloader file and it is working fine now.


    I am trying to use your method for fixing the WYSIWYG editor on post.php

    I am using installation 2.9 and the post.php file is different, so line 1406 is not what it was in 2.8.x

    If you could please reply or send me an email ([email protected]) I would appreciate it!



    Hello at all,
    i break my notebook :-(.

    WordPress 2.9 change the post.php.
    The new section was from line 1492 to …
    Substitute the section from line 1492 the start with:



    		if ( $concatenate_scripts ) {
    			$st_data = file_get_contents( "$baseurl/wp-tinymce.php?c=$zip&$version" );
    			$st_data = substr( $st_data, 0, strpos( $st_data, '</iframe></noscript>' ) );
    			echo "<script type='text/javascript'>\n";
    			echo $st_data;
    			echo "</script><!-- /wp-admin/includes/post.php -->\n";
    		else {
    			$st_data = file_get_contents( "$baseurl/tiny_mce.js?$version" );
    			$st_data = substr( $st_data, 0, strpos( $st_data, '</iframe></noscript>' ) );
    			echo "<script type='text/javascript'>\n";
    			echo $st_data;
    			echo "</script><!-- /wp-admin/includes/post.php -->\n";
    		if ( 'en' != $language && isset($lang) ) {
    			echo "<script type='text/javascript'>\n$lang\n</script>\n";
    		else {
    			$st_data = file_get_contents( "$baseurl/langs/wp-langs-en.js?$version" );
                            	$st_data = substr( $st_data, 0, strpos( $st_data, '</iframe></noscript>' ) );
                            	echo "<script type='text/javascript'>\n";
                            	echo $st_data;
                            	echo "</script><!-- /wp-admin/includes/post.php -->\n";

    the WYSIWYG editor must be coorectly now.

    Happy new Year.

    While I appreciate seeing all the help here how about a plain detailed explanation including directories. I used the fix to get rid of ads no problem there.

    I am using 2.9.1

    Problem #1 Dashboard not working in Firefox
    How does someone fix this? It looks fine in IE8.

    Problem #2 TinyMCE / WYSIWYG Editor not working.
    How do I fix where it will operate as it should?
    In both IE8 & Firefox I can not add photos or text, basically no posts for me. Clicking on add media, pictures etc does nothing.

    Thanks so much for your time



    Hello @minadin, @all,
    wordpress 2.9.1 work fine with the same changed applied to wordpress 2.9.0, read post up.
    But if you wont the script post.php and script-loader.php give me an email account or download its from https://stefano.torricelli.name/.

    Good work.

    Thank you Stefano.

    I used the code for script-loader.php on your web page and I first got this error

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘<‘ in /home/content/g/o/o/goofyburg/html/wp-includes/script-loader.php on line 750

    I removed the last two lines (750 and 751)
    </iframe></noscript></object></layer></span></div></table></body></html><!– adsok –>
    <script language=’javascript’ src=’https://a12.alphagodaddy.com/hosting_ads/gd01.js’></script&gt;

    And now I get no error and it the admin now works great. What did the code I removed do?



    Hello and excuse me, you must remove all lines 750 and 751, remove all characters includes ‘<>’.

    Line 750 start with </iframe and 751 end with /script>.
    There was an error on my post.

    Hi Stefano,

    Yes they are now removed but the godady ads still show up on the front end. The ads are not there in the admin.

    The test site is https://www.goofyburg.com

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