• Fresh install of WordPress 2.8.
    Using Godaddy.com free economy hosting.
    Website looks fine: https://www.21105oakdale.com.
    I can login in to dashboard admin fine.

    However, it appears the dashboard has no formatting – ie, it appears it is not calling the css correctly.

    (I’m a novice but have somewhat of an understanding of this stuff).

    I’ve tried reinstalling the wp-admin and wp-includes folders.
    I’ve tried resetting the cache and cookies.
    I’ve tried refreshing the permalinks.

    All of the above were tips I found on the WP forums.

    Unfortunately, none has worked thus far.

    Any tips?

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  • jlnovak


    I’m actually not using any plug-ins to manage photos, just the native WordPress media management tools.

    I think I found a workaround for it, so I should be good for now.



    I am having a problem too but I don’t use godaddy free hosting, I pay for it, so I don’t know if that matters. It just happened 2 days ago out of nowhere. I haven’t changed anything except theme colors but I even tried a different theme and the dashboard is still broken. I have tried multiple browsers (Chrome and Safari; Mac user here)- all the same. My other WordPress site which uses the same hosting and is under the same godaddy account works and looks fine.

    I have no idea what happened but as far as I can tell, I had nothing to do with it. Here is what my dashboard looks like:


    I haven’t tried the above methods given by stefano because 1.) my hosting isn’t free and 2.) i’m not really sure what to do … but at least my site is still looking correct.

    any ideas what to do?



    Hi @unclefarkus,
    the problem may be your css.
    Try with Internet Explorer.
    To catch the problem i use firefox with firebug enabled and in the abose section appears the problems.




    We are doing core editing and incase of an upgrade these hacks might be overwritten.
    So instead of core editing, we should develop a plugin.I’ve just added the display none css to all wp header functions.The script-loader and the post editor hacks are yet to be added hopefully they can too be done within the plugin.

    Plugin Name: GoDaddy Hack
    Plugin URI: https://softloads.in
    Description: GoDaddy Free Hosting Fix
    Author: Akshay Aurora
    Version: 1.0
    // We need some CSS to position the paragraph
    function godaddy_css() {
    	echo "
    	<style type='text/css'>
    	#conash3D0 {display:none !important;}
    add_action('admin_head', 'godaddy_css');
    add_action('wp_head', 'godaddy_css');
    add_action('login_head', 'godaddy_css');

    BTW, I am not able to fix the post editor.Pls make sure it is fine..
    or may be I’m mistaken..

    Pls try to develop the plugin



    Hi @akshayaurora,
    the problem is not limited to the banner in html page, your plugin hide this, but the CSS and JS appear corrupted.

    Godaddy enject an ads banner in any page loaded from free hosting web site, the general rule is to clean every runtime loaded page (css and js) from godaddy ads banner.
    The my solution posted, make this, load the CSS and/or JS into a var, clean godaddy ads banner, and put the var value (cleaned) in the page.

    I don’t know how it’s possible to make a plugin, i’m very newbie for wordpress and i posted the solution because i will use wordpress with godaddy free hosting.
    But your idea, to make a plugin, is very interesting.

    Another problem is the rss, i think to change rss.php or rss2.php with a script/plugin that use jQuery modal dialog, have you any idea or alternatively solution?


    After reading all this and having this problem i’m just content with the fact I am screwed and will be forced into paying for hosting much earlier than I wanted to. At least it looks nice in IE, for whatever that is worth.

    finally i have found this thread.
    big thanks stefano.

    but there’s just one little problem.
    my plugins list is gone.

    you helped me through 2.9.1 and now through 2.9.2. and now my dashboard works better than it did in 2.9.1. Thank you so much, you’re a life saver!


    Note: solution is in the last paragraph.

    Ok, I was having the same issue with my dashboard. Everything was working fine and then BOOM all of a sudden no javascript works! I tried everything that everyone suggested to do.

    1. Deactivated all plugins.
    2. Deleted all plugins.
    3. Edited line 632 on script-loader.php
    4. Fresh install of WordPress core files.
    5. Installed WordPress in another folder and set up a seperate database for it.

    And none of these things worked! So, I knew that it

    1. wasn’t any plugin.
    2. It wasn’t the esc_attr() function in the script-loader file. I thought it was because when I viewed the source, where it was calling the dashboard js, it was changing and the “&” to “&”.
    3. It wasn’t my wordpress core files. Which of coarse, I never modified them to begin with.
    4. It wasn’t the content in the database.
    5. It wasn’t just a fluke in my installation.

    This left 2 more things to check. The server and the operating system. I just bought a new laptop with Windows 7 which hasn’t been out for very long. So, I didn’t know if it was the OS or not.

    I thought it would be easier just to reinstall my Wamp Server. So I did and I’m back in business! There are a lot of topics on this subject and not one of them mentioned reinstalling Wamp as a solution. So, I’m going to copy and paste this post into all that I can find.

    Good day.

    @stefano you are a life saver!! i was having the exact problem now my dashboard is fixed, post editor is fix, i can insert image. however, RSS feed is still not working. but i can live without it. thanks so much!! if you’re still working on the rss feed thing, my blog is at davidzphotography.com/blog

    note: plz dont hack me!! i know u all are capable of it!!


    I am having the problem with my login Dashboard area displaying incorrectly.

    It just happened for no apparent reason today (it was working fine in the morning, in the afternoon it had issues).

    Everything is stacked on top of each other and it doesn’t display anywhere in the management interface area for me, not just the dashboard area.

    My website is paid hosting from GoDaddy, so I’m not worried about the ads.

    However, I have a second website on free GoDaddy hosting that has the same issue, although another site I have is fine.

    Either way, I’m not worried about the ads, but just want to correct the Dashboard display issue.

    I’m using WordPress 2.9.2.

    I’ve tried updating the script-loader file with the code as suggested previously, but it results in an additional error on the dashboard page, plus it doesn’t correct the display issues.

    I’ve gone through all of the previous posts here and tried the different code updates as suggested, but nothing seems to be working for me.

    If anybody knows the solution for the Dashboard display issue in WP 2.9.2, regardless of whether you use free or paid hosting, I would really appreciate if you could provide the specific code updates needed or whatever the solution might be.

    I’m really sorry if it’s been posted previously, just for some reason, I’m confused and can’t figure it out.

    Please help, it would really be appreciated.


    Hello again,

    I reverted back to a saved copy I had of my wordpress installation and eliminated the problem for now.

    It ends up I had some file on my server called benito_hope.php, that was some type of encrypted file.

    I noticed it when FTPing to the server to backup my WP install, and it had never been there before, not sure if this was some type of hack or a virus or what.

    But maybe somehow that was related to my dashboard display issues.

    I deleted the file and then backed up to a saved copy of my website, and for now the issue is resolved.

    Thank you, just wanted to mention this encrypted file in case anybody experienced the same thing.

    Hi all,

    Same thing has happened to me. I am on GoDaddy paid hosting and my dashboard is ok, but all other menus are borked. I am getting the following result:


    This happened last week out of the blue. Only the plugins menu was affected, not everything but the dashboard so I cant post.

    I am WordPress 2.9.2

    Can anyone help? Thanks so much in advance!

    @stephano,the modifications worked quite well for me, thank you for all the effort! Only a couple of small issues remain.

    The RSS feed from my site (https://siriuscoffee.com/blog/?feed=rss2) is also picking up that nasty GoDaddy iframe, and it’s messing up my feed file!

    I assume that the edit is similar to the others, but not exactly sure what needs to be changed where. Is it in the feed-rss2.php file?

    (Also I’m trying to import an RSS file from another blog to populate my new WordPress blog, but that seems to fail. I don’t think the 2 issues are related.)

    Hi all,

    This is quite far from a sexy fix for the broken RSS feed, but here is how I accomplished it:

    I installed the plugin Static Feed/, and set the static feeds to rss2.xml, rdf.xml, rss.xml, and atom.xml

    Then edited /wp-content/plugins/staticfeed/staticfeed.php inserted the following code at the beginning of the staticfeed_save_feed_content function at line 1278:

    $content = ltrim($content);
    $content = rtrim($content);
    $content = rtrim($content,"<script language='javascript' src='https://a12.alphagodaddy.com/hosting_ads/gd01.js'></script>");
    $content = rtrim($content);
    $content = rtrim($content,"</iframe></noscript></object></layer></span></div></table></body></html><!-- adsok -->");

    I pointed my feedburner to the static xml link and it seems to work fine now, hope it works for you as well.

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