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  • Plugin Author Tobias B?thge


    Hi Phil,

    this happens, because your theme does not load the styling commands of WP-Table Reloaded. This happens, because your theme’s “header.php” does not contain a call to wp_head();. To fix this, modify your theme and add the line

    <?php wp_head(); ?>

    right before the closing HTML </body> tag in the theme’s “header.php”.

    Best wishes,

    I have the same problem, but the header.php file is so complicated, that i don’t know where to put the line.

    global $color_theme, $current_user, $actual_font, $post, $wpsc_pages;
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    I’ve got the same issue, I have wp_head() in header.php

    As I read the first post again, I noticed that he has data(just not organized in cells), but in my case I don’t get anything in the post or page. Is this the same issue?

    Ah I’m the same as you and nothing renders (no data or table).
    By the way it looks to me like your header.php contains wp_head(); as the other person mentioned it should.

    I found another post form someone with the same issue and both of us have a random <div class=”table_”></div> can you see if you have that in your page?

    in which file did you find this div class?

    Plugin Author Tobias B?thge



    both of you have wp_head(); in the header.php, so that is fine.

    Now, the fact that the entire data is missing likely has a different reason. There’s probably another plugin or the theme interfering.

    As myspoon says that there is a <div> being inserted, I assume that you have another plugin activated that also registers the [table /] Shortcode, and therefore WP-Table Reloaded is not used. Can you check that?

    Also, both of you, please post the URLs to the page where you inserted the Shortcode.


    Actually in my case the theme Kassyopea might interfere as it uses tables as well. Is there a way to make them both work?

    This is the page where I insterted the shortcode:

    Plugin Author Tobias B?thge



    thanks for that link!

    You are using the same theme as myspoon, so this indeed should be caused by the Kassyopea theme.

    You could either check if there is a theme setting to disable the usage of tables by the theme, or you could change the Shortcode that WP-Table Reloaded uses, by following the instructions to create a WP-Table Reloaded Extension at


    I followed the instructions, changed the shortcode and it works perfectly. Thank you so much!

    Plugin Author Tobias B?thge



    great, thanks for the confirmation! ??
    Nice to hear that it works now!

    Best wishes,

    I did the same and it works great. Thank you very much!!

    Plugin Author Tobias B?thge



    awesome! And no problem, you are very welcome!

    Best wishes,

    Hi Tobias,

    You are so great to help us all with your fantastic plugin. I have been using it for a while with great success. However, now my tables don’t show up. I guess I had better change the short code as mentioned above.

    However, I’m a real at newbie at editing code. Can you tell me exactly where to put the code you suggested:
    function wp_table_reloaded_change_table_shortcode( $shortcode ) {
    return ‘wptable_KD’;
    add_filter( ‘wp_table_reloaded_shortcode_table’, ‘wp_table_reloaded_change_table_shortcode’ );

    You describe it here:
    But it I couldn’t figure out exactly where to put it because I couldn’t find the closing PHP tag you described.

    Here is my page with the invisible table in it.

    Thanks very much!


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