data images files
Hi Guido,
Hello to Groningen. Very nice town, I’ve been there a few times, but years ago (as a student).
Thank you very much for the theme. Love the simplicity and color.
I am struggling, because I installed it a month ago and now can’t open/see my code or text (visuell/text)? It is there and when I mark and copy the content, get lots of code. Especially the images generate lost of crypted code.
“><img class=”aligncenter” alt=”” src=” ….and so on.all images are stored in the mediatheke.
I deleted some code, because I wanted to get rid of the comment function.. But what happenend to the image data?
I also used a table which works with an mobile phone.
Maybe I can’t see the code, because it is so much? (simple Landingpage)- just look at the source code:)Many thanks! sunny from Hamburg
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