I’m happy to hear that you have “been using iThemes security without problem on several multi-site installations.”
I assure you that my opinion is not based on just 1 or 2 users “griping”.
In general my opinion is well founded.
Read these posts:
I have another 10 MU bugs if you are interested and I’m not even using multi site …
But the biggest issue of the iTSec plugin in Multi Site is the incorrect design of the Settings and other pages … It needs to be completely redesigned.
You need to be a WordPress developer to understand where the problem is.
But there are some symptoms that should make you scratch your head.
Ever noticed there is no Screen Options button in the upper right corner of the Settings page when in Multi Site …
So you can’t switch off the display of metaboxes or change the screen layout from 2 to 1 column …
Ever noticed there is no “Settings Updated” confirmation msg displayed at the top of the Settings page when Saving All Changes in Multi Site …
And this is just the free iTSec plugin. The fun really starts in the iTSec Pro release …
Notice my opinion is based on MU issues of the free iTSec plugin as well as the Pro plugin …
In general yes it mostly works in MU. But if you look at the code MU support is poorly implemented. And for that reason it’s C R A P.
Everyone is entitled to his\her own opinion. If you think it’s fine I’m
ok with that. I will respect your opinion.
Oh one last thing. Next time you open a topic please provide as much info as possible. Don’t just dump an error and a short one line description …
Makes it easier for the community to respond to it adequately …
Crappy topics tend to get likewise responds from me ??