I can confirm that it is a problem with inefficient queries. If you remove lines 202 to 206 (see code block below) in list.admin.class.php, it will fix the loading issue. There’s a bunch of CPU-intensive mathematical operations being performed on the columns in those lines. The only detriment to deleting them is that you won’t see the hits and total hits columns displayed on the “ad places” page, but you can get those stats from each ad individually (there’s really no need to have them display there).
@patch_hits := (IFNULL((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $sTable ss WHERE (EXTRACT(YEAR_MONTH FROM NOW()) = EXTRACT(YEAR_MONTH FROM ss.event_time)) AND ss.id = 0 AND ss.pid = sp.id AND ss.event_type = 0), 0)) AS patch_hits,
(IFNULL((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $sTable ss WHERE (EXTRACT(YEAR_MONTH FROM NOW()) = EXTRACT(YEAR_MONTH FROM ss.event_time)) AND ss.id > 0 AND ss.pid = sp.id AND ss.event_type = 0), 0) + IFNULL(@patch_hits, 0)) as total_ad_hits,
(IFNULL((SELECT SUM(IF(sa.cpm > 0, IFNULL((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $sTable ss WHERE (EXTRACT(YEAR_MONTH FROM NOW()) = EXTRACT(YEAR_MONTH FROM ss.event_time)) AND ss.id = sa.id AND ss.pid = sa.pid AND ss.event_type = 0), 0) * sa.cpm / 1000, 0)) FROM $aTable sa WHERE sa.pid = sp.id), 0)) AS e_cpm,
(IFNULL((SELECT SUM(IF(sa.cpc > 0, IFNULL((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $sTable ss WHERE (EXTRACT(YEAR_MONTH FROM NOW()) = EXTRACT(YEAR_MONTH FROM ss.event_time)) AND ss.id = sa.id AND ss.pid = sa.pid AND ss.event_type = 1), 0) * sa.cpc, 0)) FROM $aTable sa WHERE sa.pid = sp.id), 0)) AS e_cpc,
(IFNULL((SELECT SUM(IF(sa.ad_schedule AND sa.per_month > 0, DATEDIFF(CURDATE(), sa.ad_start_date) * sa.per_month / 30, 0)) FROM $aTable sa WHERE sa.pid = sp.id), 0)) AS e_month,
it seems the plugin developer is no longer offering support. I hope this post helps someone!