• We have a website running on a custom-built theme (https://sourcingjournalonline.com). We have a tremendous amount of trouble with the website slowing down and ultimately crashing with “database error” messages. The response from our developers is that WordPress uses MySQL and that this database server is “limited”; and since Worpress does not support any other database structure it is limited what can be done to fix this issue.

    I do not even want to think about having to rebuild this site on another framework and our site just does not seem so complex that this would be necessary. I would appreciate any guidance that can be provided by this group.

    Also, if anyone is interested in engaging us, on a contractual basis, that believes they can fix this issue, we are quite open to discussing options.

    Desperate in New York.


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  • You need to check first if this issue can be resolved by simply switching hosts — perhaps another webhost has a database server that is less limited. What do the developers mean by “limited” in the first place? Is it this particular server that is limited, or do they think that MySQL is limited in general?

    If you’re looking for hired help, please visit https://jobs.wordpress.net/ and click on “Post a job” at the top of the page.

    Thread Starter mcaravaglia


    The reason they are giving me is that MySQL is “limited” and the cause of our issues. I am somehow not feeling comfortable with this response.

    We are in process of moving the server to a new host and have rebuilt the site on a nice WordPress Theme called “Go Media”. I am hoping that resolves our issues.

    Thank you for the reference.


    The reason they are giving me is that MySQL is “limited” and the cause of our issues. I am somehow not feeling comfortable with this response.

    I would be too. It’s a bit of a “not our fault, can’t help you” type of answer.

    Hopefully moving to a new host helps, and if it doesn’t, you can always come back here to see if someone’s able to look into it. ??

    Thread Starter mcaravaglia


    So, in your professional opinion. Is MySQL a “weak” database structure? I do know there are no other options at this time.

    There are millions of sites, small and large, running on WordPress with MySQL. If it really would be that weak, it wouldn’t be such a successful solution.

    So no, I don’t think MySQL is weak, but that’s my personal opinion. Not professional, cause I don’t work for WordPress. ??

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