• I used MyphpAdmin to change the MySQL database name on several databases to reflect the customers name instead of the generic name the WP install gave it.

    I edited all the wp-config.php files in each wordpress folder to reflect the new dabatase name.

    I attached the original user back to the database through the MySQL cPanel.

    They all login and display correctly. So that’s great… but here’s the issue:

    in my SimpleScripts WordPress Install cPanel, when I click on the Advanced settings for each install, they still reflect the old database name.

    Is this being saved somewhere else other than the MySQL or WP-config.php files? I checked the .htaccess and nothing is there.

    Can anyone help me resolve how to get the WP install to reflect the new database name?

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  • The WP install does reflect the new database name, which is proven by the fact that your WordPress sites work after changing the connection info in wp-config.php

    What you are actually asking is to update the information that SimpleScripts stores on installs it has done. In some ways this isn’t necessary since SimpleScripts only tracks installs so it can offer upgrades and application deletion within its interface. With WordPress its unlikely you are ever going to upgrade through an external script installer since WordPress contains all that is necessary to upgrade within itself.

    That said, you undoubtedly can update the info in SimpleScripts anyway if you really want to. I’m not familiar with how and where SimpleScripts stores its data. I am familiar with Fantastico, a comparable service, which stores some files in an application’s root folder, and other files in a folder above the root web folder. It is likely SimpleScripts works similarly, so check those folders for files placed there by SimpleScripts. (Make sure you make backup copies of any files you change anything in. If you mess something up you can revert to the original version).



    I don’t use Simple Scripts for anything beyond installing WordPress. Once installed, I remove them from my list of installations:

    1. Navigate to your Simple Scripts dashboard from your cPanel.
    2. Under your list of WordPress installs select “Uninstall”. Don’t worry, it won’t remove it right away.
    3. On the next screen select Option 2 (Remove from list).

    Good luck.

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