• my hosting company completely messed up my installation of wordrpess. im trying to fix it. url is moxietoday.com

    i recieved this error and it said to post on the wordpress forums…

    wp_users: Table ‘moxietoday_IC_20091012_125956.wp_users’ doesn’t exist
    wp_usermeta: Table ‘moxietoday_IC_20091012_125956.wp_usermeta’ doesn’t exist
    wp_posts: Table ‘moxietoday_IC_20091012_125956.wp_posts’ doesn’t exist
    wp_comments: Table ‘moxietoday_IC_20091012_125956.wp_comments’ doesn’t exist
    wp_links: Table ‘moxietoday_IC_20091012_125956.wp_links’ doesn’t exist
    wp_options: Table ‘moxietoday_IC_20091012_125956.wp_options’ doesn’t exist
    wp_postmeta: Table ‘moxietoday_IC_20091012_125956.wp_postmeta’ doesn’t exist
    wp_terms: Table ‘moxietoday_IC_20091012_125956.wp_terms’ doesn’t exist
    wp_term_taxonomy: Table ‘moxietoday_IC_20091012_125956.wp_term_taxonomy’ doesn’t exist
    wp_term_relationships: Table ‘moxietoday_IC_20091012_125956.wp_term_relationships’ doesn’t exist
    wp_commentmeta: Table ‘moxietoday_IC_20091012_125956.wp_commentmeta’ doesn’t exist

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  • Moderator James Huff


    Can you access your database via phpMyAdmin? Do the tables exist?

    Thread Starter danieldalonzo


    wow! u respond faster than my host!

    i dont know, i have a backup of my database from every day if that helps?

    i can access phpmyadmin through my control panel.

    i brought a new domain into my hosting account and i told them i wanted to install wordpress into it. so they instructed me to install the wordpress into the same direectory as my existing site. then to remedy the problem my server company instructed me to drag my content, admin, and include folders into a subdirectory and said my site would work. then the next support rep told me that was wrong because it crossed the database connections or something. they said the strings are incorrect.

    should i go into phpmyadmin and copy what is there and post it here?

    im only in my second year of wordpress and development forgive my newbieness

    Moderator James Huff


    That’s good that you have a backup. You can always restore if this does’t work out. First, just access the database via phpMyAdmin and make sure that the moxietoday_IC_20091012_125956.wp_posts table exists.

    Thread Starter danieldalonzo


    im not sure if my backup is a good one though. my server company just told me i didnt have everything saved that needed to be saved on it.

    when i go into mysql, there are 49 databases i dont know which is the right one?

    Moderator James Huff


    49? Wow. Check WordPress’ wp-config.php file. The should have the name for the database you need to access.

    Thread Starter danieldalonzo


    this is what my config says…

    [excess content removed for security]

    Moderator James Huff


    Ok, looks like you have plenty of WordPress tables to choose from, the question is, “Which one?”

    wp-config.php lists you table prefix as such:

    $table_prefix = 'wp_';

    Of course, there are no tables there utilizing this prefix, which is why the tables couldn’t be found. They’re using wp_3_, wp_4_, etc.

    You’ll have to find out which posts table (wp_3_posts, wp_4_posts, etc.) is the right one and then change that line in wp-config.php accordingly. Example:

    $table_prefix = 'wp_4_';

    Thread Starter danieldalonzo


    another note…all my subdomains work. but when u go to main site moxietoday.com it says error establishing database connection.

    subdomains work such as humannb.moxietoday.com however i cant log in it doesnt recognize any users

    Thread Starter danieldalonzo


    sorry…how do i find out which post table is the right one? what is the “right one”

    wp_3, wp_4, etc represents my subdomains, right? am i trying to find which post table is the correct one for my main blog ?

    Moderator James Huff


    Browse the table and see if it has the right posts in it.

    Thread Starter danieldalonzo


    ok, if im looking for the posts that are supposed to be on my main domain, they are here…

    — ——————————————————–

    — Table structure for table wp_site_posts

    CREATE TABLE wp_site_posts (
    site_post_id bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
    blog_id bigint(20) default NULL,
    site_id bigint(20) default NULL,
    sort_terms text,
    blog_public int(2) default NULL,
    post_id bigint(20) default NULL,
    post_author bigint(20) default NULL,
    post_title text,
    post_content text,
    post_content_stripped text,
    post_terms text,
    post_permalink text,
    post_published_gmt datetime NOT NULL default ‘0000-00-00 00:00:00’,
    post_published_stamp varchar(255) default NULL,
    post_modified_gmt datetime NOT NULL default ‘0000-00-00 00:00:00’,
    post_modified_stamp varchar(255) default NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (site_post_id)

    — Dumping data for table wp_site_posts

    INSERT INTO wp_site_posts VALUES (6, 1, 1, ‘|blog_lang_en_en|all|’, 1, 3683, 1, ‘Building Internet Communities With Effective Taglines’, ‘<p style=”text-align: center;”>\r\n<img class=”size-medium wp-image-3684 aligncenter” title=”online-community-manager” src=”https://moxietoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/online-community-manager-300×176.jpg&#8221; alt=”” width=”300″ height=”176″ /></p>\r\nIt”s very exciting to plan, create, and maintain any internet community. For those of you who are just starting out, I am excited for you! It may be useful to keep in mind that most successful blogs and networks go through many phases and transformations before they start producing major results.

    i didnt post the whole thing, but there is more text which includes more content from my posts

    Thread Starter danieldalonzo


    but under that section there is only my most recent 4-5 posts, would i have more posts under a different table?

    — Table structure for table wp_site_posts

    Unless you told WordPress to use wp_site_ as a db prefix, that is not the table for the main blog’s posts. they are in wp_posts.

    If not, they may be in wp_1_posts.

    Thread Starter danieldalonzo


    my serving company told me they cant fix it and i should restart from scratch. i looked and i dont think there is a wp_1_posts table or a wp_posts table

    they are saying the database is corrupt and tables are missing.

    what do i do?

    Thread Starter danieldalonzo


    OMG!!! i was on the phone with my hosting company and we were about to completely delete my wp installation and database and start over from scratch…then right before i went back to check my wordpress site and it was WORKING! after 4 days of it being down. and my host, powweb, said they tried and there was nothing they could do.

    when i was in phpmyadmin i could see the database was increasing the number of tables within it on its own. does wordpress have a mind of its own? it fixed itself? my database was corrupt and it was missing my posts table. then all of a sudden after days of BS the site works!

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