Database will not update on BlueHost server
I have 2 websites, both of which are hosted on BlueHost that will not allow the database to update. I have read the GiveWP article on it and have tried several of the recommendations to fix it. Still I cannot get it to work. It says “An unexpected issue occurred during the database update which caused it to stop automatically”. I’ve already tried disabling all the other plugins and have also deleted the cache for everything using W3 Total Cache. Any other suggestions?
Hi @stevonsky,
Glad you reached out! Happy to help.
By any chance, is this the article that you are referring to:?
If it’s not, you can follow it or read on through the recommendations that I have below to try to solve your issue.
First, before this or any update on your WordPress website, be sure to fully back up everything (files, database, etc.) in a way that you can confidently restore to, if things don’t go as planned.
We have built-in a way to manually re-run the database update/migration process. If you are noticing irregularities in your data, we recommend deactivating your security and caching plugins and trying this manual method.
First, backup your site and be certain you are comfortable recovering from that backup just in case.
Enable Advanced Database Updates in Donations → Settings → Advanced:
Next, you can run the update in Donations → Tools → Data, and based on the Run Order columns, re-run only the missing updates (as an example, if the first missing update has the run order 1, then start from that one, and then the next would have the run order 4, then that would be the next one and then so on and so forth).
Last, go back to in Donations → Settings → Advanced and disable Advanced Database Updates.
Run the database updater again.
Next, if deactivating all security and caching plugins/solutions does not allow the database updates to complete, attempt deactivating all non-GiveWP plugins, and then run the updates. We recommend using a staging or development environment to do this and migrating the data to your live site later.
If the unexpected issue error continues to occur, you can try to check Donations → Tools → Logs if there are errors that are related to it and then send those in your next reply. If there are no errors, you can also check with your host if there are PHP related errors on their logs, which you can also send in your next reply.
That will give me some more context to help.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us should you need more instructions or other concerns.Hello and thank you for reaching out! We noticed in the GiveWP article that Robin mentioned they call out Caching and Low Processing Time Limits as possible causes. The processing time should be the same as the maximum execution time which can be changed in your php.ini file. We even have an article title “How to Edit the PHP INI Settings” on that you can reference if you need more information about this.
Regarding the caching, some of our hosting plans do use object caching, however we do not use memcache or memcacheD. It would be worth checking to see if you have any object caching enabled though WordPress or the installed plugins.
Is GiveWP able to provide any specifics as to what is failing? If they could provide that, you could relay the information to our support teams for review. They would then be able to let you know with more certainty if we could assist further in this matter. ?
Hi @stevonsky,
Were you able to solve the issue that you were facing?
If not, we would like to dig in to this deeper.
To look further into this, please contact us in the following link — Then for the subject of the inquiry, select the option “I am responding to a request to contact you”.
You might also want to loop in Blue Host Support so that they can help you with managing your websites.
Thank you, @bluehostsupport, for responding as well!
Please let me know if you have further questions.
I’m always happy to help!
Sorry to take so long getting back to you. Yes, there are 4 error logs for you to look at. These seem to generate each time I try doing the database update.
I did try to run the update in Donations → Tools → Data, based on the Run Order columns. None of them were marked as missing. All were green and marked “success”, so I didn’t mess with it anymore.
1st one is called Update Restart:
{ “post_title”: “Update Restart”, “post_content”: “stdClass Object\n(\n [key] => wp_give_db_updater_batch_71f9c1c8245e0d1286d31c97d304f884\n [data] => Array\n (\n [0] => Array\n (\n [id] => add-past-donation-data-to-revenue-table\n [version] => 2.9.0\n [callback] => Array\n (\n [0] => Give\\Revenue\\Migrations\\AddPastDonationsToRevenueTable Object\n (\n )\n\n [1] => run\n )\n\n [type] => database\n )\n\n [1] => Array\n (\n [id] => migrate_existing_logs\n [version] => 2.10.0\n [callback] => Array\n (\n [0] => Give\\Log\\Migrations\\MigrateExistingLogs Object\n (\n [logTypeHelper:Give\\Log\\Migrations\\MigrateExistingLogs:private] => Give\\Log\\Helpers\\LogTypeHelper Object\n (\n )\n\n [legacyLogsTable:Give\\Log\\Migrations\\MigrateExistingLogs:private] => Give\\Log\\Helpers\\LegacyLogsTable Object\n (\n )\n\n )\n\n [1] => run\n )\n\n [type] => database\n )\n\n )\n\n)\n”, “post_parent”: 0, “log_type”: “update”, “file”: “/home3/swvenabl/public_html/pfmsponsorship/wp-content/plugins/give/includes/admin/upgrades/class-give-updates.php”, “line”: 401, “function”: “add”, “class”: “Give_Logging” }
2nd one is called Update Health Check:
{ “post_title”: “Update Health Check”, “post_content”: “Array\n(\n [id] => migrate_existing_logs\n [version] => 2.10.0\n [callback] => Array\n (\n [0] => Give\\Log\\Migrations\\MigrateExistingLogs Object\n (\n [logTypeHelper:Give\\Log\\Migrations\\MigrateExistingLogs:private] => Give\\Log\\Helpers\\LogTypeHelper Object\n (\n )\n\n [legacyLogsTable:Give\\Log\\Migrations\\MigrateExistingLogs:private] => Give\\Log\\Helpers\\LegacyLogsTable Object\n (\n )\n\n )\n\n [1] => run\n )\n\n [type] => database\n)\n\nUpdated doing update:\nArray\n(\n [update_info] => Array\n (\n [id] => add-past-donation-data-to-revenue-table\n [version] => 2.9.0\n [callback] => Array\n (\n [0] => Give\\Revenue\\Migrations\\AddPastDonationsToRevenueTable Object\n (\n )\n\n [1] => run\n )\n\n [type] => database\n )\n\n [step] => 1\n [update] => 1\n [heading] => Update 1 of 2\n [percentage] => 0\n [total_percentage] => 0\n)\n\n”, “post_parent”: 0, “log_type”: “update”, “file”: “/home3/swvenabl/public_html/pfmsponsorship/wp-content/plugins/give/includes/admin/upgrades/class-give-updates.php”, “line”: 574, “function”: “add”, “class”: “Give_Logging” }
3rd is Update Pause:
{ “post_title”: “Update Pause”, “post_content”: “stdClass Object\n(\n [key] => wp_give_db_updater_batch_71f9c1c8245e0d1286d31c97d304f884\n [data] => Array\n (\n [0] => Array\n (\n [id] => add-past-donation-data-to-revenue-table\n [version] => 2.9.0\n [callback] => Array\n (\n [0] => Give\\Revenue\\Migrations\\AddPastDonationsToRevenueTable Object\n (\n )\n\n [1] => run\n )\n\n [type] => database\n )\n\n [1] => Array\n (\n [id] => migrate_existing_logs\n [version] => 2.10.0\n [callback] => Array\n (\n [0] => Give\\Log\\Migrations\\MigrateExistingLogs Object\n (\n [logTypeHelper:Give\\Log\\Migrations\\MigrateExistingLogs:private] => Give\\Log\\Helpers\\LogTypeHelper Object\n (\n )\n\n [legacyLogsTable:Give\\Log\\Migrations\\MigrateExistingLogs:private] => Give\\Log\\Helpers\\LegacyLogsTable Object\n (\n )\n\n )\n\n [1] => run\n )\n\n [type] => database\n )\n\n )\n\n)\n”, “post_parent”: 0, “log_type”: “update”, “file”: “/home3/swvenabl/public_html/pfmsponsorship/wp-content/plugins/give/includes/admin/upgrades/class-give-updates.php”, “line”: 360, “function”: “add”, “class”: “Give_Logging” }
4th is Core:
{ “Data”: { “donation_id”: 75, “form_id”: 0, “amount”: 1000 }, “Error”: “An error occurred when processing Donation #75. To insert revenue, please provide valid donation_id, form_id, amount.” }
Hi @stevonsky,
Sorry for the slow turnaround here. Were you able to reach out to us so that we can create a ticket for you?
Or were you able to solve this?
If not, we would like to dig in to this deeper.
To look further into this, please contact us in the following link —? Then, for the subject of the inquiry, select the option “I am responding to a request to contact you”.Again, you might also want to loop in Blue Host Support so that they can help you with managing your websites.
Please let me know if you have further questions.
I’m always happy to help!
I haven’t heard back from you, so I’m going to mark this as resolved.
If you still need assistance with this specific issue, please contact us in the following link —? Then, for the subject of the inquiry, select the option “I am responding to a request to contact you”.
Again, you might also want to loop in Blue Host Support so that they can help you with managing your websites.
Thank you for choosing GiveWP!
Have a lovely day!
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