• amylee


    It’s only 4.06PM GST (pacific time) but my posting came up 12:06AM Feb. 25th. How can I fix this? I stand for it!

    Thanks in advance.
    -Amy Lee

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  • satoshi


    Check your Options>General page. Set the GMT time to what it should be. For example, I input -5 because I’m in EST.

    Thread Starter amylee


    I can’t change my GMT time. It’s not editable. It says this:
    GMT time is: 2005-02-25 6:04:53 pm
    Times in the weblog should differ by: -8 hours
    The following use the same syntax as the PHP date() function. Save option to update sample output.
    Default date format:
    Output: 2/25/2005
    Default time format:
    Output: 10:09 am
    Only the -8 hours is editable, but it still doesn’t change a thing. But the default time format outputs the right time as it is and says on my computer. Please help! I can’t blog like this!!

    -Amy Lee

    Nick Momrik


    Once you edit it time difference, the change will be reflected on anything new on the blog. If you need to change old posts, you’ll need to go back and edit those.



    I know it’s a stupid question, but do you click on Save Options after you edit the time difference?




    Thread Starter amylee


    I see what my problem was. I didn’t have my “times in the weblog should differ by: #hours” set to -8 and when I changed it I was still checking out the GMT time but my output time was right so it’s posting right now… and I will have to go back and change the other ones!

    Geez! Thanks, Gang!



    Y’all, I have had a problem with Time in my WP install always.

    I had 1.2 and recently upgraded to Strayhorn 1.5. Same consistent problem is:

    Options page says:
    UTC time is: 2005-02-25 9:26:09 pm

    My time is 3:36pm

    I’m in the Eastern Time Zone. My time is -5 off of GMT. The point though is … the time that UTC offers me is 5 hours and 50 minutes ahead of my real time exactly.

    I can’t offset more than hours, so it’s always wrong.

    Like with the above:

    If UTC is 9:00:09PM

    Here is is really 3:10:09 PM

    I have other installs of WP in 1.2 and 1.5 Strayhorn, all on the same server, all with the same problem. The server is in the same area I am in.

    Now another question I have then is about how time is displayed on “Pages” when you use the “modified” or “created” attribute for “Page” links.

    On the pages it displays as the raw UTC time, but in WP ADMIN (Manage) Edit-Pages it shows each page “updated” time as the “correct” time, as far as it can be (with that 10 minute problem, of course).

    So it means, with what I am doing, I have a report of eggs I collect which I update more than once a day. It displays the time updated next to it, but it’s way ahead by 5 hours and 50 minutes as it displays on my site.

    Is there a way to get that filtered via some WP thing?

    It’s the wp_list_pages (show_date=modified) tag

    Here’s the codex page to it.

    I’m using it correctly as far as I know, which I know I am, just don’t know if there’s a trick for filtering it or not.

    Here’s my Page (Egg Report) with the wp_list_page link that displays wrong.

    So the above is about TWO problems: One is UTC time in OPTIONS is 5 hours and 50 minutes ahead, which meanI have to set it to -6 hours which is wrong by 10 minutes. I’m in Eastern Time and thought it really used GMT which is -5, anyhow whatever the deal, is it my SERVER somehow that UTC is gotten from or what?

    Second is the display time using wp_list_pages (show_date=modified) tag. There is a date_format attribute to use with that tag, but I am not familiar enough to know if it’s what I need. The tag info says it used the default php style time you have in Options if you don’t specify it differently there. So I don’t think it’s what would be a solution, just a way to make the tag read differently, not show the time correctly … if that makes sense.

    I hope someone can help me with one or both of these problems!



    I goofed up posting the link to my page in the post above.

    Here’s my Page (Egg Report) with the wp_list_page link that displays wrong.

    I sure wish this forum had editable posts like before! ??



    The UTC time is from your server. If it’s time is wrong, then you’ll need to get your hosting provider correct it.



    Thanks for the answer to UTC time.

    Now, anyone with an answer to getting Pages to show the correct time as set in WP ADMIN Options General (offset to MY time, not using the raw UTC time), when using wp_list_pages (show_date=modified) ?



    georgianlady, it looks like there is no option to change this behaviour (even with a plugin). My only suggestion would be to change line 383 of wp-includes/template-functions-post.php to use “date” instead of “gmdate”. Warning: this changes your WP code and will be lost when you upgrade to a later version.

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