• When editing events depending on the language version running on your computer (windows/javascript, don’t know exactly), an error appears editing an event. When editing the event and just ‘update’ it again, a date handling error appears setting the event_date back to current date in the edit-event screen and back to unix time stamp in the list of events 01-01-1970.
    This only happens when abbreviatons of months in Dutch differ from those in English. (for example OCT is OKT in Dutch, while with JAN there is no problem)
    We made the following adjustments to the code and now it works fine.

    in quick_event_editor.php
    old line 49: $date = date_i18n(“d M Y”, $date);
    new line 49: $date = date_i18n(“d-m-Y”, $date);

    old line 59:
    <script type=”text/javascript”>jQuery(document).ready(function() {jQuery(\’#qemdate\’).datepicker({dateFormat : \’dd M yy\’});});</script>

    new line 59:
    <script type=”text/javascript”>jQuery(document).ready(function() {jQuery(\’#qemdate\’).datepicker({dateFormat : \’dd-m-yy\’});});</script>

    old line 64:
    <script type=”text/javascript”>jQuery(document).ready(function() {jQuery(\’#qemenddate\’).datepicker({dateFormat : \’dd M yy\’});});</script>

    new line 64:
    <script type=”text/javascript”>jQuery(document).ready(function() {jQuery(\’#qemenddate\’).datepicker({dateFormat : \’dd-m-yy\’});});</script>

    Can you adjust this in the next update?
    Thanks in advance. We really find this a usefull plugin.
    Christian Erkelens


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  • Thanks for that.

    While the fix does work it will cause all sorts of problems for the USA where they write numerical dates as MM-DD-YY. This is why I used the three letter month acronym so there was no confusion.

    I’m releasing an update later today with all sorts of updates and bug fixes. I’m then going to experiment with a localization options that does this:


    If all goes well I will have this ready for release in a week or so.

    After extensive testing and lots of head scratching it turns out you can’t localise the date picker and save the date. The PHP function that converts a date into a unix string will only accept English dates.

    Localizing the datepicker just returns an error when you save the event.

    Dates will display in the local language on your website.

    So not sure what to do next…

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