• Resolved tdeleeuw



    I’ve got everything up and running pretty well, but running into some problems. Everywhere the times are showed in am/pm format. Also on the ticket I see the date written in English.

    Begint: Tue, 4th of October, 2016@5:00pm
    Eindigt: @7:00pm

    After changing my WP settings to:


    and creating a new event, the date format in “Event Name @ d/m/Y” on my site changed correctly. But the tickets remains in English like above. And the times on the site are also still am/pm.

    Any tips where I can change this? Was reading about changing it in de language file? Which one exactly?

    (I tried US English, Dutch and Portugese WP language settings, my site will be in Portugese pt_BR eventually)



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  • Thread Starter tdeleeuw


    Never mind, found out it’s hardcoded and not following WP settings.

    Changed it manually in php

    Plugin Author quadshot


    @tdeleeuw thanks for the post and we noticed you found fix. marking resolved and thanks for using OT

    This plugin looks really good to me. Easy to set up and works great.

    What needs to be changed in order to make OpenTickets Community Edition follow WP settings?

    In terms of localization this is pretty important.
    Any chance that you will update the code to follow WP settings and standards for Date, time, and localization.

    Thread Starter tdeleeuw


    I’m not an expert on any WP stuff, so I just searched for the php file containing the code and changed it there. Not ideal.

    Just later I found out it is all in the translation files. So I’m using WP plugin called Loco Translate now and with that I edited a lot of stuff in the plugin. Date/time notations are there as well. Look for:

    MM-dd-yyyy and translate that to dd-MM-yyyy
    m/d/Y to d/m/Y

    There is a whole list to be found there, also for time notation. Just some stuff in the permalink url’s like am/pm I couldn’t fix, but that’s not a big issue for me.

    Also check this to know what all the letters (m M d yyyy, etc) mean: https://secure.php.net/manual/en/function.date.php

    Thank you ??
    I use Loco Translate myself, but I was not aware that I could change date/time formats via the translations.

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