• Resolved paulacooney


    I just upgraded to 2.8. Before I did so I was prompted to do a backup and so installed the DB Backup plugin and backed up. Now there is a big bold messsage in wp-admin saying:

    Your backup folder MIGHT be visible to the public

    To correct this issue, move the .htaccess file from wp-content/plugins/wp-dbmanager to /home/websitename/public_html/wp-content/backup-db

    The problem is I’m not sure where to find the file or how to move it. Do I do this inside wp-admin somewhere or do I use my ftp program to view the files on the server and then somehow move it?

    As you can see I’m a raw newbie

    Thanks for the help

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  • The wp-dbmanager folder (likely in your wp-content/plugins folder) has a file called htaccess.txt

    1. Use FTP and download that file to your local computer
    2. Then still using FTP upload that file to the /home/websitename/public_html/wp-content/backup-db folder and rename the file .htaccess

    Uploading WordPress to a remote host

    Thanks for the information. I was missing the part of renaming the htaccess.txt to .htaccess

    You just saved me some serious headache. ??

    Thread Starter paulacooney


    Thanks so much………awesome…….. easy to follow instructions

    This topic is NOT RESOLVED! I’ve been getting the same message since the upgrade too — and it’s driving me nuts.

    Your backup folder MIGHT be visible to the public

    To correct this issue, move the .htaccess file from wp-content/plugins/wp-dbmanager to /home/**********/public_html/wp-content/backup-db

    I’ve checked and double-checked and there IS NO SUCH file in the plugin folder. I searched .htaccess to find the file locations and it’s definitely not there.

    But I keep getting this annoying message on every admin page. I really like this plugin, but it seems that the only way to turn off the false message is to deactivate it.

    I realized WordPress Plugins SVN automatic exclude my .htaccess file from the zip file.

    https://lesterchan.net/wordpress/readme/wp-dbmanager.html (Under Installatin Tab)

    Okay so I downloaded the file, then uploaded it and then renamed it…QUESTION? Do I delete and remove the .htaccess from the original location? Becuase when I download it, its still there? Wasn’t sure if this makes a difference

    Nope, it is the same file. So you can use it back. Just move it to your backup location

    I, like those above, do not have an .htaccess.txt file in the directory indicated. Am I still at risk of public viewing of my backup?

    Can someone please explain to this dummy (yes, I need easy steps to do this)?


    The file name included in the zip is called “htaccess.txt”. You need to rename it to just “.htaccess”

    Although my backup-db folder is not accessible to me so I cannot move the htaccess file there? The backup-db folder has different ownership.

    Any ideas other than asking my host to change file permissions?

    As long as your backup folder is not accessible by anyone including you, it will do.

    I have the same problem, its still there. I have found the htaccess.txt file and move it, but i don’t find .htaccess file. Is this maybe the problem?

    Also I rename it..I have the same question as organicjar. Don’t understand it, the file is now in db-backup and removed it from db-manager

    Use your ftp and check the /backup-db/ folder to see if the .htaccess file is really name htaccess file. It might be named as .htaccess.txt depending on whether you allow showing of file extension in windows.

    I have followed Lester’s instructions and I still can’t get rid of the warning.

    I have the htaccess folder where it is supposed to be and i have the permissions set properly, it won’t go away unless I deactivate the plugin.

    So until there is a legit fix I will have to put this on the backburner, that’s too bad because I use just about every one of Lester’s plugins.

    I have tried to uninstall it 2 times and ftp it back again with no luck so I know it isn’t anything I am doing wrong.

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