• Hey,

    I got the following problem:
    The DB content is not pushed/pulled from prerelease DB to live DB.
    But the files are pushed/pulled, so in general config should be fine.

    I have the following setup:
    2 WP Blogs (3.8) on same server but 2 different paths
    2 DBs on same DB server (but other then the fileserver)

    The files got pushed/pulled but not the DB content.
    I don’t find the issue in my setup so please help me!

    my dbs.ini.php:
    host = dbm-wordpress-live.xxx.net
    prefix = wp_
    name = xxx
    user = userxxx
    pw = passxxx

    host = dbm-wordpress-live.xxx.net
    prefix = wp_
    name = xxxpre
    user = userxxxpre
    pw = passxxxpre

    my sites.ini.php:
    label = live
    domain = blog.xxx.com
    web_path = /var/www/liveblog
    db = live
    live = yes

    label = prerelease
    domain = preblog.xxx.com
    web_path = /var/www/preblog
    db = prerelease
    live = no

    DEBUG Output:
    [1] Push started at Tue, 21 Jan 2014 13:37:28 +0000
    [2] Database backup off
    [1] Maintenance mode on
    [3] RUN: echo “<?php \$upgrading=1390311448; ?>” > /var/www/preblog/.maintenance
    [1] Pushing database tables from live to prerelease: –tables wp_links wp_postmeta wp_posts wp_term_relationships wp_term_taxonomy wp_terms
    [2] Database source: live (xxx) on blog.xxx.com
    [2] Database dest: prerelease (xxxpre) on preblog.xxx.com
    [3] RUN: /usr/bin/mysqldump –opt –verbose –host=dbm-wordpress-live.xxx.net -u userxxx -p’*****’ xxx –tables wp_links wp_postmeta wp_posts wp_term_relationships wp_term_taxonomy wp_terms | /usr/bin/mysql -D xxxpre -u userxxxpre –host=dbm-wordpress-live.xxx.net -p’*****’
    [1] Maintenance mode off
    [3] RUN: if [ -f “/var/www/preblog/.maintenance” ]; then rm “/var/www/preblog/.maintenance”; fi
    [1] Push completed at Tue, 21 Jan 2014 13:37:28 +0000
    [1] Push took 0.2834792137146 seconds


    BTW: I love the plugin. Have running it on another site without problems.

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  • Plugin Author Mark Rowatt Anderson


    I don’t see anything which stands out as wrong. You might try changing the DB passwords to only alphanumerics in case there are any characters in there interfering with parsing the mysql commands SitePush runs.

    If that doesn’t help and you have command line access you could try copying/pasting the mysql commands (the line in the middle of your debug output beginning [3] RUN: /usr/bin/mysqldump) onto the terminal and running the DB push directly (make sure you edit to put in the proper passwords).

    You may get some more detailed error info from that which will point to the problem.

    Thread Starter zce-crew


    Thanks for the fast feedback. I did it on the console and it shows:

    mysqldump: Couldn’t execute ‘SET OPTION SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE=1’: You have an err version for the right syntax to use near ‘OPTION SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE=1’ at l

    Thread Starter zce-crew


    OK, so for documentation here, I found the issue:

    This error resulted due to MySQL 5.6 has removed support for “SET OPTION” and my mysql client tools are probably on older version. Most likely 5.5 or 5.1.

    Will try to update and post results here.

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