• Hi,

    I am using the 17.6 version of Yoast. I just want to share the workaround for a very critical problem I had, not easily detectable.

    Suddenly, my local database stopped working (W11+XAMPP PHP 7.4 + 10.4.21-MariaDB ). It was really painful to detect what was the problem, because the database service was shutting down automatically, so no chance to disable plugins or test in conventional ways.

    After a lot of research and try with different methods, finally I could find the issue, related with the table ‘[prefix]_yoast_indexable’. Every time the engine tried to read the data of this table, the service stopped.

    The solution (if someone has same problem) is:

    -Edit your my.ini file (or my.cnf) and find the line [mysqld], then add in a new line innodb_force_recovery = 10. This will allow you to use the database service until you find the corrupted table

    -In my case, I deleted all the Yoast related tables, after detect the problem was ‘[prefix]_yoast_indexable’

    -You will be able to see your website again with errors because of the missing tables, just go and delete the Yoast Plugin

    -Find in “options” table the values related with the yoast plugin (search for %yoast% in option_value field) and delete them (If you don’t do it, reinstalling the plugin will keep the errors)

    -Install the plugin again and you’ll be all good.

    I know this workaround is not the ideal for who already has real data in Yoast, but in my case this method saved me.

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