• Hello,

    Here are error:
    1# Debug error:
    Catchable fatal error: Argument 1 passed to DOMNode::appendChild() must be an instance of DOMNode, string given, called in /var/www/lovcour.com/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/psn-pagespeed-ninja/ress/classes/plugin/abovethefoldcss/abovethefoldcss.php on line 110 and defined in /var/www/lovcour.com/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/psn-pagespeed-ninja/ress/classes/htmloptimizer/dom.php on line 1114

    2#errors at backend:
    Some error is plugin bug, and some are related to google api

    Our server is in China, and we are blocked by China government to access lots of google resources, but I can access api by VPN.

    SO question here: if I set it up with VPN, does PageSpeed Ninja can work properly for web user without effect on user experience?

    I am a little confused by the setting at backedend:

    1.Do I still need use this plugin if I already installed the google pagespeed model on Nginx(https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/module/ )

    2.we use Nginx server, which Distribute methodyou suggest? any plan to support nginx?

    3. I already make minify CSS and JS, but google score is still low and suggest async those JS files:
    how should I set further more perfect?


    “↑ Generate Above-the-fold CSS styles” seems do not work, and I used this plugin: https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/my-above-the-fold-css/, you might like to integrate into PageSpeed Ninja, since it is not wisely way to generate that CSS at frontend.



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  • Thread Starter alexlii


    Debug error: https://prntscr.com/i4rqzr

    I used in Multisites, and activated in sub site.


    Plugin Author Denis Ryabov


    1. Switch from XML parser in Advanced settings to Stream one. This error will be fixed in the next release.

    2a. Google API issue is most likely related to other optimization tool (maybe pagespeed module, hard to detect it exactly).

    2b. Errors with keyword “sandboxed” are expected and related to in-browser above-the-fold CSS generation (JavaScript is disabled to speed up this procedure).

    3. Pagespeed module and this plugin have many similar optimizations, I’m not sure about significant benefits from using both of them.

    4. Nginx is supported, but unlike Apache, where it is possible to enable many optimizations in .htaccess file, Nginx requires to modify config file “manually”. We are going to prepare a config code snippet for Nginx further.

    5. Not all JS can be loaded asynchronously. We have experimental option “Non-blocking Javascript” in the “Eliminate render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in above-the-fold content” section, you can try it, but we wouldn’t recommend to use it right now.

    6. We use our own Above-the-fold CSS generation server, but in addition to it, we would like to implement a solution to do it directly it the browser. Hope it will be much stable in further releases.

    7. WordPress multisite is not supported now, but we are working in this direction.

    Thread Starter alexlii


    I am very care about whether it will work in China properly, so,
    A top question is how and where those Scores come from?
    are they fetched dynamically from Google page speed API service or from your server? or just generated locally by Ninijia locally?

    We use our own Above-the-fold CSS generation server,

    unfortunately, it does not work for us, since there is no response after push the button of generate, not sure it is bug or the issue that we are blocked.

    Google API issue is most likely related to other optimization tool (maybe pagespeed module, hard to detect it exactly).

    1#There is no field to input google page speed API Key, does that mean we are using your build-in Google page speed API?

    WordPress multisite is not supported now

    does that mean it is not recommended if only it is activated in sub-site? or just not recommended to be activated networkly?



    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by alexlii.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by alexlii.
    Plugin Author Denis Ryabov


    1. Scores are loaded from api.google.com, and maybe it is actually blocked in China. Anyway, Google’s PageSpeed Insight service is not opensource, so we cannot duplicate it on our server. In this case you can use other testing tools, but it is not so convenient.

    2. Is option “Local above-the-fold generation” (Advanced/Eliminate render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in above-the-fold content) enabled? If yes, website is loaded in a hidden iframe with disabled javascripts, and processed in your browser (WebKit/Blink-based one is recommended). Otherwise, a request is sent to our server that does the same in a cloud (but this way doesn’t work for local or intranet websites).

    3. Pagespeed module in Apache and Nginx doesn’t generate Above-the-fold CSS (include style necessary for initially visible part of the page only), it generates Critical CSS only (include all CSS used on the page). In general, Critical CSS may be much larger, then Above-the-fold CSS, but in few rare cases (e.g. if page uses horizontal scrolling) there may be a flash/relayout of content after full styles are loaded.

    4. “WordPress multisite is not supported” means that the latest released version was not tested in Multisite mode. At least, there may be some issues with caching, because of the plugin stores some cached data in its directory..

    Plugin Author Denis Ryabov


    And as to “Argument 1 passed to DOMNode::appendChild() must be an instance of DOMNode” error in your first post, do you use the latest version of PageSpeed Ninja? It looks like this error corresponds to older releases, because of abovethefold.css was refactored significantly in the recent releases.

    Thread Starter alexlii


    Yes, it is the latest version.

    But I am using it in multisite, also, Multisite is very typical application, for example, there will be Brand, shop, community, account sites, less plugins less conflict between them.

    So, Please make it multisite support or compatible first, it will make you much easily check the reason why and where the issue occurs according to issue feedback.

    BTW, we are using HHVM+Nignx+Redis Caching.



    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by alexlii.
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