• On my site, the plugin reports the following debug message:

    Notice: Function add_submenu_page was called incorrectly. The seventh parameter passed to add_submenu_page() should be numeric representing menu position.

    In order to overcome this (minor) problem, I have modified the function (in file “…\ajax-bootmodal-login\inc\settings.php”)


    the statement

    add_options_page(__( 'BootModal Login Settings', 'alimir' ),__( 'BootModal Login Settings', 'alimir' ), 'administrator', __FILE__, 'alimir_bootModal_settings_page', __FILE__);


    add_options_page(__( 'BootModal Login Settings', 'alimir' ),__( 'BootModal Login Settings', 'alimir' ), 'administrator', __FILE__, 'alimir_bootModal_settings_page', /* __FILE__ */);

    i.e. I have removed the sixth parameter, so the call falls back to the default parameter.

    This helped, but unfortunately my patch may be overwritten by the next update of the plugin.

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