I also have the same error, some reading around and shows that php5 has to be installed for this script to work. I am on 1and1 servers.
I created this .htaccess file with just one line and placed it at the root of my domain
AddType x-mapp-php5 .php
Actual help file from 1and1
How to parse .php files as php5
By default .php files are parsed as PHP 4 on 1&1 Servers.
If you want to use php. What you need to do is either create a new .htaccess file or edit an existing one.
Create a “.htaccess” file containing the following line:
AddType x-mapp-php5 .php
Upload this file into into the root of your domain. The changes take effect
immediately. This also solves the problem with phpMySQL asking for magic quotes to
be turned on.
And it worked!
no error message
entered my code and is now performing mass update.
hope this helps you