I am not sure what you are trying to do.
The EWZ forms (on a page via a shortcut definition) only open up when logged in as a WordPress user. If you log in to WP as admin, then the EWZ form will open on your page and you can make entries as yourself (if that’s appropriate). For anyone else, then as the admin of your site, you need to add then as a user via your WP dashboard, and make sure they have an appropriate WP role. That role can be the lowest grade of ‘subscriber’.
Once the user has logged in, they are on the site probably at their dashboard and they would need to know how to view the site itself and the page with the EWZ form. I agree that will be a training issue, and I use a plugin called Peter’s Login Redirect to cause all logins with that level of user to go straight to my entries page. To make that even easier, I put the logon link on my entries page alongside some user instructions. So the user comes to the entries page not logged on, clicks the link, is taken to the WP logon, logs on, and is immediately returned to the entries page they just left.