Default Registration Form “You are already registered”
Within the last few updates I have noticed that the “Default Registration Form” [ultimatemember form_id=77] has developed a glitch.
When a Signed in User with Roles “Shop Manager / Admin” go to the page with [ultimatemember form_id=77] – it displays “You are already registered”.
This topic was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by
This topic was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by
Just adding to this (sorry, I don’t have a good answer). I asked the same question days ago, as we have a site where we also want logged-in users to be able to re-register for different reasons. As of version 2.0 of this plugin, there is new code that blocks this ability, which I think is a huge mistake as we have good use cases for it.
I asked the team if there was a way to disable this check via a hook or function, they told me they would get back to me. But with all the issues in 2.0 (and there are plenty of problems if you monitor this support site), I’m not sure anyone is looking into it.
If you like, I can point you to the lines of code where I believe this “you are already registered” check is done. You can comment them out to make it all work again (at least, it seems to fix things on our site). But you would be modifying the core plugin code, and once you upgrade the plugin, it will over-write whatever you did, so you’d have to do it again on every update. Plus, we can guaranty it won’t break something else. I’m trying to get the dev team to give us a way to do that without touching their core code.
I’m also using the Form to enable some roles in my Site to create some users with some specific attributes through a registration Form .Now, I’m concerned as it breaks the flow of my Registration of new users by some others .
It will be great to uncheck this or to explain “How to” or give a preference.
As an administrator, it’s also understandable to use your forms to create some new users with Specific attribute.
It’s a HUGE regression for many of users of ULTIMATE MEMBER, why have you done this ?
This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by
With 1.8.x, I was also using the Registration form to create new users to our website.
In fact, all users are created by the Administrator as we want to fully control who get registrated. The Registration form is not even accessible to logout users.Now, with 2.x.x, this is not possible as we get the message ““You are already registered”. If this is not corrected, I will have to completely change the way we work.
TO ULTIMATE MEMBER STAFF:: Please, make a change that revert back to 1.8.x behavior.
With 1.8.x, I was using the Registration form to create new users to our website. In fact, all users are created by the Administrator as we want to fully control who get registrated. The Registration form is not even accessible to logout users.
Now, with 2.x.x, this is not possible as we get the message ““You are already registered”. If this is not corrected, I will have to completely change the way we work.
I am not the only having this problem.
Here is an example of the many treads in WordPress Support forum:, make a change that revert back to 1.8.x.
Hi Louis,
Thanks for getting in touch. We have made this change as having users registered via UM by a user already logged in was causing some issues for some sites. So you will need to register the users via the default wp-admin add user method or register the users via UM when not logged in. If you don’t want logged out users to access the UM registration form you can add the form to a private page and access the page by password (default WP feature).
Thanks for the workarounds… but I would prefer not to have to change my site and retrain my peoples to a new procedure.You should understand that many users ( I am not the only one) have been using your “great” plugins for many years and have relied on some “feature/loophole” to implement their site. There are some 100,000 users out there that relied on your plugin and made all kind of different implementations. I think you should demonstrate some flexibility to the developers that are trying to stick to your plugin after all the troubles you have giving us with this “untested” version.
Why not make that an option ? It should not be so difficult!
Thanks for rethinking about it!i am stuck right now in my project cos of this issue, i personally think this should be given to us as an option in the settings…
i also had another trouble with expanding increasing the tabs on user account page… when i implemented it with the um action hook, i realized that the new tab content comes with a button underneath… which i dont need…
i think this version 2.X.X of UM is more trouble…. im considering reverting to previous versions…
@pbarmak Hi can you point me to where to change it, it is so frustrating, this already registered, why they had to do that I dont know?
Sure, go to your site’s wp-content folder, then edit: plugins/ultimate-member/includes/core/class-shortcodes.phpAround line 513 of the current version of the plugin (or if you search for the word “already”), there is this block of code:
//not display on admin preview if ( empty( $_POST['act_id'] ) || $_POST['act_id'] != 'um_admin_preview_form' ) { if ( 'register' == $mode && is_user_logged_in() ) { return __( 'You are already registered', 'ultimate-member' ); } }
If you comment out that whole block, it should work. But again, this is modifying the core plugin code, which means any update to it will overwrite this block (you’ll have to comment it out on every update, which is what I’m doing these days). Plus, I am assuming it doesn’t break anything else, but it could, I guess. So far, it works fine on our site.
If the developers would either put a small hook call right before and right after (maybe even just right after as there is one right before) this block of code, we would have the ability to disable this functionality via a hook and never touch their core code again. But they don’t seem willing to add a small hook call here, for what reason I have no clue. A hook would give us the best of both worlds – the default would be to block it, and those of us who want it can still have it by enabling via the hook.
Given all that I’m seeing with these issues, plus the fact UM doesn’t do ajax registration forms (which I really need!), I’m considering rolling my own stuff with gravity forms plus standard wp API. I don’t really use the extra functions of UM (account list, social stuff), I simply use it for registration and login – and most of our login/registration needs to happen in popups without leaving the page. I just need to figure out how to handle email verification (sending the link to the user’s email) and I’ll be set with gravity forms for my needs, I believe. I mean, I did love UM for the ease of handling all the registration/login, it is very nice … but no ajax is killing me, plus issues like this that don’t get resolved even after multiple emails sent.
Hi Thank you very much it worked perfect…
I’m having the same problem, thanks 4 the help.
Hello gentlemen,
Have you changed the code to enable Users to be approved by some specific roles that we could add to USERS that we approve to create new users with SPECIFIC ROLES that we manage attached like in 1.3.88 ?
And to get out the “You re already registered” message …
When the 1.3.88 will be obsolete for new release of WP ?Please…
ThanksThey have changed it. There is no such code around line 513, nor is there any “already” anywhere in that file. I need to know how to get this working now. What do I comment out to get the form showing up for my registered users?
@pbarmak Are you still around? Can you please help? The code you provided is no longer working because they changed things up. Do you know of a better plugin or can you help with code that works?
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
@lovestoriesonline, I’m still here … however, I had decided as of version 2.0.25 to stop updating UM on my production site as each update was causing these types of issues. I am unfortunately not in a position to keep spending my time dealing with constant plugin changes that break what I consider core functionality (it seems regression testing is not done, at least for this particular issue). Instead, I plan on rolling my own version of user creation, email notification/verification, and log in. It’s not something I want to do (why reinvent the wheel?), but I can’t rely on UM as I thought I would. I’m hoping our needs are simple enough where I can write my own version using Gravity Forms (which we already have – excellent general use form plugin) and their hooks.
However, since I got your message, I upgraded my dev box to the latest version of UM (2.0.33 as of this post) just to see. The good news is the code block is still there – if you search for the word “already”, you will find the same block, and you can comment it out again. It is now at line 641 for this version (I’m sure it’ll change as they add new functionality to this class – this is why I wanted the core plugin team to just fix it instead of us trying these workarounds every time we upgrade!). Here is the block of code, with my added comments, so you can see what to search for. Hope this helps, let me know if not and I can try to look further.
/* //not display on admin preview if ( empty( $_POST['act_id'] ) || $_POST['act_id'] != 'um_admin_preview_form' ) { if ( 'register' == $mode && is_user_logged_in() ) { ob_get_clean(); return __( 'You are already registered', 'ultimate-member' ); } } */
This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by
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