• Hello,
    I just came to find out that on the default template when under meta it has rss, when you click on that it places


    this is resulting in 404 errors and my blog not being syndicated. ??

    However if i go to https://mydomain.com/wp-rss2.php it works.

    How do I fix this in the index.php file of the DEFAULT template? Also I would like to add atom,xml as other options? Please me as detailed as possible….

    PLEASE PLEASE HELP ..many thanks in advance

    Please be as detailed as possible?

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  • Did you upgrade to yet? It believe that this fixes the problem. Click the download tab at the top of these screen and following the instructions.

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    I just installed from cpanel. where is this download tab to upgrade?

    I appreciate ur help.

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    ok never mind i see it. i will try it

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    Ok I just uploaded latest index.php file and went to /wp-admin/upgrade.php but the error is still there it still has feed:https://

    Any other ideas…

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    You gotta change that part in your templates if you don’t want to send it to a program that reads feed:// URIs.

    feed: is a new application handler specification not yet built into many browsers. Don’t ask me why it was put in. It has been an active topic on the mailing list as far as what to do with it. Your feeds are not broken, just access them via https://yoursite.com/wp-feed.php (or wp-rss2.php)and all will be well.

    Someday when browsers support it, it will work.

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    thanks for responding. the problem is that when u click on the link feed:https://mydomain.com/wp-rss2.php it comes up file not found. Thus when some one clicks that link I guess they wont be able to syndicate my feed.

    Where in the code do I go to remove “feed:”?


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    does anyone know how to remove (Feed:) from feed:https://mydomain.com/wp-rss2.php ?

    I dont suspect its a browser supported issue because when u click on the link it says “file not found” for feed:https://mydomain.com/wp-rss2.php

    I know the feed is not broken because https://mydomain.com/wp-rss2.php works.

    Please help. Hope this clarifies

    why they include feed: makes no sense. It screws it up. I wasted time on my second install because I couldn’t remeber how I got my 1st installs RSS to work.

    Moderator James Huff


    feed:is a new protocol, which (once fully implemented into all browsers) will launch your default RSS reader and either automatically subscribe you to the feed or check the feed for updates. Currently, the only browser that feed: has been fully implemented into is Firefox v1.0.4. To remove the feed: from you feed links, find the feed links in footer and/or sidebar templates and remove feed: from the feed links. For example, change this:

    <a href="feed:<?php bloginfo('rss2_url'); ?>">Entries (RSS)</a>

    into this:

    <a href="<?php bloginfo('rss2_url'); ?>">Entries (RSS)</a>

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    hey many thanks & kudos to you.

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    do u think its neseccary for it to be there then? or was i just panicking for no reason?

    do u know how to add the atom & xml as well where it has rss under meta? if so what and how do i add them with there respective icons

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    i tried ur recoomendation and now when i click on the rss feed link it takes me to folder feed..but no rss2 ?? I checked in the validation and validation is giving a parsing xml errors

    any other insite?

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