Is there something I can do as a plugin-developer to ensure compatibility with your plugin by default? Its not the first time that the editor does not seem to work in combination with the autoptimize plugin. I dont do much magic, basically the only thing I do is to call the wp_editor function in the frontend.
@asgaros that’s tinymce (for now), right? you could use the API to add wp-includes/js/tinymce/
to the JS optimization exclusion list like this;
function my_ao_override_jsexclude($exclude) {
return $exclude.", wp-includes/js/tinymce";
or you could use the API to disable AO on the forum pages (holler if you’d like example code). or contact me at frank-at-optimizingmatters-dot-com.
I’m confused as where to add this: ?ao_noptimize=1 … does it belong in a source file?
@kelokekpe no, it’s something to add to you’re sites URL to disable autoptimize just for that one request.
also what will the repercussions of completely deactivating autoptimize?
your site will, depeding on your context, a bit or a lot slower ??
dectivating autoptimize worked, thanks!
if you want keep Autoptimize you could:
* keep CSS & HTML optimization active and only disable JS optimization (which is most likely to be the culprit here)
* also keep JS optimization active and try fixing the issue by adding wp-includes/js/tinymce/
to AO’s JS optimization comma-separated exclusion list. if still not OK look at your browser’s console for JS errors and report back here.
enjoy your Sunday! ??