• The advanced gallery is missing the ALT text field for individual pictures and basic SEO. As multiple languages and separate keywords get used for the same image multiple times on a site removing this basic setting and only leaving the ALT field in the media gallery to control everything is terrible. One of the only ways we currently have of using different keywords is by creating duplicate copies of images and setting the ALT keywords that way. This causes a heap of bloat in the media library though as each image also has heaps of cropped sizes. Please add the default ALT field to individual images in the gallery. WordPress gave us this option so we can dealt with problems like this.

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  • Plugin Support michael-levelup


    Hi there,

    I can understand what you mean.

    We have an existing feature request for it, but I don’t have a firm timeline on when or if that might be developed.

    Here’s the link to the feature request so you can vote and comment on additional information, that will help the development team better understand the importance of adding this feature: https://feedback.kadencewp.com/p/option-to-use-alt-texts-or-image-title-as-the-caption-for-the-advanced-gallery-block

    We appreciate your continued patience and understanding regarding this matter.
    Kind Regards,
    Michael Taro

    Thread Starter a4jp


    Please don’t mark my post as resolved when the problem is not resolved. This is an accessibility and SEO problem. I’m not signing up to your website to send you the same report I have already sent here. Please read the WordPress rules against doing that. 17 people have told you this is a problem there as well. Isn’t that enough to fix this? Are the people there with accounts all paying customers? Do you allow people to upvote bugs without logging in? You should be able to collect data on problems even if you value the data sent in from registered users more. I guess this is a much bigger problem but you only have the numbers of users that were annoyed enough to register and report the bugs.

    Plugin Support karlalevelup


    Hi there,

    Ben sent a response and some confirmations with your setup. Let us know how we could assist you further.

    Looking forward to your response!

    Plugin Support karlalevelup


    Hi, @a4jpcom !

    I want to reach out again and see if you have more information for us?

    It seems like the feature request you submitted might not fully align with what you were expecting. From what I gather, you’d like our Gallery(Adv) block to offer an “ALTERNATE TEXT” option similar to the one available in the core Image block.

    The value for this Image block option reflects what the Alt text values from the Media Library. In a way, this will work the same if you update the Alt texts by updating the images selected in your Gallery(Adv) block. Watch this screencast and see how the Alt text for the girl with eyeglasses was added to the output – https://share.zight.com/QwuJ7Gjr

    I noticed your concern about handling multiple languages and keywords for the same image. If you’re using a multilingual plugin, you don’t need to upload duplicate images or set alternate texts separately. Here’s how two popular plugins handle this:
    Polylang: Working with Media
    WPML: Media Translation Guide

    If you could you provide more details about your setup it will help us assist you more effectively.

    Plugin Support michael-levelup


    Hi there,

    We just want to follow-up if you managed to resolve this already.

    This topic has been inactive for more than a month.

    If you have further questions or need additional assistance, feel free to start a new topic or refer to our Kadence Help Center here: https://www.kadencewp.com/help-center

    Please note that you can also submit a support ticket via these channels.

    Thank you for your understanding!
    Kind Regards,
    Michael Taro

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