Delay in email delivery
I’m using your plugin to use Amazon SES and it’s really amazing.
I’m just noticing a problem with deliveries.
I even managed to increase the SES limit to 100 thousand emails/day and 25 emails/second, but it didn’t change anything. I sent it to a list of almost 37 thousand contacts through Funnelkit, it managed to send them all in 52 minutes.
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However, when you look at the SES panel, you notice that it sends the emails in parts, taking hours to complete, including me, I received one of these emails 9 hours later.
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Why is this happening? Would you know how to help?
Hi @nossileee,
WP Offload SES support team here.
Thanks for reaching out with your query.Would you be able to send me the debugging information from the Support tab on the site you’re having trouble with?
- Go to the Support tab of your install
- Scroll down to the “Diagnostic Info”
- Copy the contents and paste it here in your next response. You may omit any sensitive data as needed.
Thank you.
Web Server: LiteSpeed
WordPress: 6.4.3
WP Locale: pt_BR
PHP: 7.4.33
PHP Memory Limit: 2G
WP Memory Limit: 2048M
Memory Usage: 20 MB
WP Max Upload Size: 128 MB
PHP Time Limit: 1000
PHP Error Log: error_log
MySQL: 5.5.5
Database Name: dyusarco_wp864
Table Prefix: wp_
ext/mysqli: yes
cURL: 7.76.1
OpenSSL: OpenSSL 3.0.7 1 Nov 2022
fsockopen: Enabled
allow_url_fopen: Enabled
Zlib Compression: Enabled
Basic Auth: Disabled
Proxy: Disabled
Blocked External HTTP Requests: None Send Mail Using SES: On
Enable Open Tracking: Off
Enable Click Tracking: Off
Region: sa-east-1
Log Duration: 1 WP Cron: Disabled
Alternate WP Cron: Disabled
Last Run: 08:20:04 2024-02-15 UTC
Next Scheduled: 08:20:58 2024-02-15 UTC
Queued: 0
Failures: 55 WPOSES_SETTINGS: Not defined
WP_CONTENT_DIR: /home/dyusarco/public_html/wp-content
UPLOADS: Not defined
WP_PLUGIN_DIR: /home/dyusarco/public_html/wp-content/plugins
WP_PLUGIN_URL: Active Theme Name: Woodmart
Active Theme Version: 7.4.3
Active Theme Folder: woodmart Active Plugins:
Add to Cart Button Custom Text (v4.0.0) by Enrique J. Ros
Advanced Coupons for WooCommerce Free (v4.5.9.2) by Rymera Web Co
Advanced Coupons for WooCommerce Premium (v3.5.1) by Rymera Web Co
Advanced Woo Labels (v1.87) by ILLID
All-in-One WP Migration (v7.79) by ServMask
All-in-One WP Migration Google Drive Extension (v2.76) by ServMask
All-in-One WP Migration Unlimited Extension (v2.52) by ServMask
Automa??es do FunnelKit (v2.8.2) by FunnelKit
Brazilian Market on WooCommerce (v4.0.0) by Claudio Sanches
Calculadora de frete melhorada para lojas brasileiras (v3.2.1) by Luiz Bills
Claudio Sanches - Correios para WooCommerce (v4.2.3) by Claudio Sanches
Code Snippets (v3.6.2) by Code Snippets Pro
Conectores de automa??o do FunnelKit (v2.7.0) by FunnelKit
Custom Order Status for WooCommerce (v2.4.0) by Tyche Softwares
Defender (v4.5.0) by WPMU DEV
Elementor (v3.19.2) by
Elementor Pro (v3.19.2) by
FileBird Lite (v5.6.1) by Ninja Team
FlyingPress (v4.9.2) by FlyingWeb
Force Regenerate Thumbnails (v2.1.3) by Exactly WWW
FunnelKit Automations Connectors - Wabot Plus (v2.6.2) by FunnelKit
FunnelKit Automations Connectors Switchy Addon (v1.0.0) by WooFunnels
FunnelKit Automa??es Pro (v2.8.2) by FunnelKit
FunnelKit Cart for WooCommerce (v1.4.0) by FunnelKit
FunnelKit Construtor de funis (v3.2.1) by FunnelKit
FunnelKit Funnel Builder Pro (v3.2.2) by FunnelKit
Imagify (v2.1.3.1) by Imagify – Optimize Images & Convert WebP
Jetpack (v13.1.1) by Automattic
Jetpack Protect (v2.0.0) by Automattic - Jetpack Security team
Joinchat (v5.0.17) by Creame
Loco Translate (v2.6.6) by Tim Whitlock
Melhor Envio (v2.15.0) by Melhor Envio
Mercado Pago payments for WooCommerce (v7.2.0) by Mercado Pago
Object Cache 4 everyone (v2.2) by fpuenteonline
Order Status Rules for WooCommerce (v3.5.0) by WPFactory
Password Strength Settings for WooCommerce (v3.0.1) by Daniel Santoro
Preenchimento Automático de Endere?o no WooCommerce (v1.2.0) by Fernando Acosta
Product Catalog Feed Pro by PixelYourSite (v5.4.1) by PixelYourSite
Remove WP Branding (v1.1.2) by 231WebDev
Safe SVG (v2.2.2) by 10up
Simple History (v4.10.0) by P?r Thernstr?m
Simulador de Frete para WooCommerce (v2.3.3) by Luiz Bills
Super Page Cache for Cloudflare (v4.7.5) by Optimole
WC Simulador de parcelas e descontos (v2.2.9) by Fernando Acosta
WP Offload SES Lite (v1.6.8) by Delicious Brains
WP Sheet Editor - Taxonomy Terms Pro (v1.7.8) by WP Sheet Editor
WP Sheet Editor - WooCommerce Coupons (Premium) (v1.3.43) by WP Sheet Editor
WP Sheet Editor - WooCommerce Products (Premium) (v1.8.6) by WP Sheet Editor
Web Infinite - Merge tags customizadas (v1.1.1) by (Web Infinite)
Web Infinite - Rastreamento Automatizado Tiny/Bling (v1.3.7) by (Web Infinite)
Woo Discount Rules (v2.6.2) by Flycart
Woo Discount Rules PRO 2.0 (v2.6.2) by Flycart
Woo Payment Discounts (v1.3.0) by WPCodelibrary
WooCommerce (v8.5.2) by Automattic
WooCommerce Conditional Shipping and Payments (v1.15.2) by WooCommerce
Woodmart Core (v1.0.42) by
Yoast SEO (v21.5) by Equipe Yoast
Yoast SEO Premium (v21.5) by Equipe da Yoast
Yoast SEO: WooCommerce (v15.8) by Time Yoast Drop-ins:
advanced-cache.php - advanced-cache.php
object-cache.php - Object Cache 4 everyone - MemcachedHi @nossileee,
Thanks for sending that in. I see that WP Cron is disabled, so I am assuming you have already set up an external cron to trigger your cron functions.
It’s possible you are encountering an error when sending emails via SES. Do you have access to your server error logs? Are there any mentions there of errors from SES?
Another way to get error logs is by enabling WordPress debugging. Before sending out your next mass emails, would you please try editing your wp-config.php file and replace this line –
define( ‘WP_DEBUG’, false );
With these lines –
define(‘WP_DEBUG’, true);
define(‘WP_DEBUG_LOG’, true);
define(‘WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY’, false);This means that any errors are logged to
, because some errors are not visible on screen. More details about that at you trigger another round of emails via SES, kindly check the debug.log file to see if there are any errors mentioned from Amazon SES.
Let us know how it goes for you.
Yes, I have Cron directly on the server.
It includes the codes to capture the logs, I’m doing a shot right now, see what I’ve already analyzed:
On the FunnelKit panel it said that it has already sent:
5196 emails SES shows this:
Sent 2298 rest are queued.
It looks like the plugin is holding the upload? Why does it stay in a queue and no longer send as per the others?
Looking at the Amazon dashboard, it says that 2035 emails were sent: the logs, I didn’t notice any errors regarding this.
I just updated the screen, in Funnelkit it shows 10 thousand emails sent and in the Offload SES activity it shows only 3858 sent and 7169 queued.
Funnelkit completed sending 26804 emails in 23 min.
And in Offload SES it still sent only 8988 and 18640 were queued =/
no errors in debug.logNow it seems that the queued was frozen at 18149 emails, I even forced the manual cron, I also adjusted its recurrence to 1x per minute, but it continues to stop. wonder why?
…Now after a few minutes, before I posted the message, it started sending again:
Queued is now at 17197. like he’s taking a few breaks….
Hi there,
Thanks for providing further information!
Since debug.log is not showing any related warnings/errors, would you be able to check the
table in the database and send over the value of the “error” column for some of the failures?Alternatively, feel free to export/zip up that whole table and kindly send it over.
I exported the table.
How do I send it to you?
This reply was modified 9 months ago by
élisson Costa.
This reply was modified 9 months ago by
élisson Costa.
Hi @nossileee,
Thank you for sending that in! We found these errors:
Email address is not verified – This error happens when your site sends an email from an email address that hasn’t been verified with your AWS account. You can either verify the email address provided in the error details in the Verified Senders tab, or you can change the email address to one that is verified.
Missing required header ‘From’ – The error indicates a problem with the email headers being used – caused by a missing From header. Are you seeing any emails in the Offload SES “Activity” tab with a missing Recipient?
We look forward to your response!
These are remnants of the initial settings.
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Everything is approved.
And the ones that are faulty are not even from mass sending, but from a simple form on the website.
I just wanted to understand how this queue works, why do many people stop in the queue and take a long time to be fired?
Hi @nossileee,
WP Offload SES tries to follow your sending limit in Amazon SES when sending out the emails. When our customers experiences emails not getting sent, usually there’s something in the debug.log file about the error.
Could you confirm for us that the debug constants are found above / before the line /* That’s all, stop editing! Happy publishing. */ and the line with wp-settings.php? For example:
define('WP_DEBUG', true); define('WP_DEBUG_LOG', true); define('WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', false); /* That's all, stop editing! Happy publishing. */ /** Absolute path to the WordPress directory. */ if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { define( 'ABSPATH', __DIR__ . '/' ); } /** Sets up WordPress vars and included files. */ require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-settings.php';
Also, are you getting any emails from Amazon SES that you are maybe hitting your sending limits?
Another possible issue is that you are using LiteSpeed. WP Offload SES only officially supports Apache 2+ and nginx 1.4+.
It might also help to ask your hosting provider to see if you are getting any errors in your server logs.
Let us know how it goes for you.
Is there any way to force the SES sending task?
Or any cron task exclusive to it?
I have it stuck here….I sent it 3 hours ago and there are still 16 thousand in the queue…
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Hi @nossileee,
Sorry to hear you’re experiencing this issue. You can look for the task “deliciousbrains_wp_offload_ses_queue_connection” in your cron list. You can use a plugin like WP Crontrol to force it to run again, although by default it should run every minute.
Let us know how it goes for you.
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