Hi Liuta,
The backups do arrive successfully at back blaze storage, these are the relevant logs, but it looks to me like the logs say everything is fine. The last few lines relate to another plugin but are just info lines so shouldn’t be affecting anything?
[2018-01-20 15:02:41] xcloner_scheduler.INFO: File archive process FINISHED. [“CRON”] []
[2018-01-20 15:02:41] xcloner_scheduler.INFO: Transferring backup to remote storage BACKBLAZE [“CRON”] []
[2018-01-20 15:02:41] xcloner_remote_storage.INFO: Creating the BACKBLAZE remote storage connection [“”] []
[2018-01-20 15:02:42] xcloner_remote_storage.INFO: Doing BACKBLAZE remote storage cleanup for 20 days limit [] []
[2018-01-20 15:03:38] xcloner_remote_storage.INFO: Transferring backup backup_hoppridertraining.co.uk-2018-01-20_15-02-sql-d1532.tar to remote storage BACKBLAZE [“”] []
[2018-01-20 15:04:18] xcloner_remote_storage.INFO: Upload done, disconnecting from remote storage BACKBLAZE [] []
[2018-01-20 15:04:18] xcloner_file_system.INFO: Deleting the temporary storage folder /tmp/.xcloner-d1532 [] []
[2018-01-20 15:04:18] xcloner_file_system.INFO: Cleaning the backup storage on matching rules [] []
[2018-01-20 15:04:18] xcloner_file_system.INFO: Deleting backup backup_hoppridertraining.co.uk-2018-01-16_14-48-sql-a1ff2.tar matching rule [“BACKUP QUANTITY LIMIT”,”4 >= 5″] []
[2018-01-20 15:04:18] php_system.INFO: E_DEPRECATED: array ( ‘type’ => 8192, ‘message’ => ‘Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; BetterFileEditorPlugin has a deprecated constructor’, ‘file’ => ‘/home/96626-74775.cloudwaysapps.com/nyuaavnwnx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/better-file-editor/better_file_editor.php’, ‘line’ => 20, ) [] []
[2018-01-20 15:04:18] php_system.INFO: E_DEPRECATED: array ( ‘type’ => 8192, ‘message’ => ‘Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; BetterFileEditorPlugin has a deprecated constructor’, ‘file’ => ‘/home/96626-74775.cloudwaysapps.com/nyuaavnwnx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/better-file-editor/better_file_editor.php’, ‘line’ => 20, ) [] []