• Lately I have been getting a rash of comment-spam. The thing is, while there is tons of it, each wave will come from the same user name. It would make it much easier to delete if there were a way to delete all comments from a certain user/webpage/IP/email/whatever. I have taken to deleting them from the SQL prompt, but things would be much easier to do if there was a way to do this from the admin page. Shouldnt be a hard feature to implement, either.

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  • Maybe I’m missing something, but can’t you go to edit->comments-> Click on “mass edit mode” – then use the search form to look for the username… you can then select all the comments you want to delete from this page.
    I can see the benefit of adding an easy “select all” on this page. (I have a hack that will do that for the comment listings on the “awaiting to be moderated page: ) – it wouldn’t be very hard to adapt it for the “mass edit” view.
    But not sure if that’s what you were looking for…

    Thread Starter Anonymous

    Having been hit over the past week by the automated comment spammers, I’ve been trying to use, without success, the Mass Edit Mode to delete these comments en masse. I try and try and try, but the comments are *not* being deleted under Mass Edit Mode.
    Here’s what I do: I search for the common phrase, for example “video poker”. I get a list on the screen. I go to bottom and click the invert checkbox link. All the checkboxes get checked. I click the Moderate Comments. I get a warning message. The screen refreshes, but the same comments are there, undeleted.
    So at this point I go elsewhere in the Admin interface and delete them one by one, a very tedious chore. All comments are set to be moderated by me.
    Is there some setting I’ve missed?
    I will also give the solution of renaming the wp-comments-post.php file a try and see if that works.
    David Mattison
    Ten Thousand Year Blog (https://www.davidmattison.ca/wordpress)

    Thread Starter Anonymous

    Problem with this particular mass spammer (I get him too) is that they use LOTS of different ISPs, random text bits, and always always always the same URL.
    AND they trawl posts by number, not by anything else, so while I got 24 (yes) of them overnight (on a blog that’s all of a week old, with a total of 8 posts…), it’s not likely to abate anytime soon.
    A hack that deletes these on sight is needed.
    As is a hack that turns off the “email me whenever a comment needs moderation” for these.
    Pretty pretty pretty please?
    Many thanks!

    Thread Starter Anonymous

    Right, gotcha:
    works, for nonexistent posts.

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