Delete Row messes up entire table structure
When I am trying to delete a row, it changes the structure of the rows below it. See this video:
The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]
This issue is still happening. Can someone pleae reply?
We apologise for replying so late.
We are able to reproduce the same issue as you have shown on your Video.
Here is our Test screen recording from our Lite Test Site :
It seems that when we remove the row above,
any row that was beneath “takes over” the “merged state” of the row that was above it.So, if the row above is not merged, and we delete it – the on beneath goes “up” one row, and if it was merged, now it is not merged anymore,
and vice-versa.
We have passed this to our QA Team, they will conduct further testing to confirm if we have a bug,
and we will report back immediately when they confirm this for us.
Thank you for your patience.Hello , @charrabennett
We have confirmation.
Basically, this is not a bug, but it is the default behaviour of our Simple Tables, as it was made by our developers.
The way how this logic works is, if you delete a row, this only deletes the content from that specific row, and it moves all the content that was beneath one row up;
but each row is going to save its merged cell formatting.
In your example, you had merged cells in row 9 , then once you removed row 8, it removes all the content,
but the merge settings that were for row 9, they stayed in that row;
and since row 8 did not have merged cells, it is still the same,
just the content from row 9 has now gone one row up to row 8.
–So, basically, for example if we have a Simple Table with columns A, B and C,
with rows 1 , 2 and 3;
if we set up column A , row 2 to have merged cells in that row;
and then we delete the content of that row – only the content gets deleted;
but the settings for that “location” stay the same,
so the new content that goes to that “location” is going to keep the same merged format.
Unfortunately, with the current logic of Simple Tables, we are not able to move a row and to keep the merged settings of it.
It is an interesting idea for this kind of use-case, though, so you can make a future improvement suggestion for our developers, and they will consider working on it.
Please feel free to search on our suggestions page (, to see if someone may be already suggested this feature. If you can’t see it, feel free to add your suggestion there, and as more people vote, the feature will move higher on the priority list. You can certainly follow our changeLog if you’d like(, where we state any changes/new features/bug fixes during updates; and our newsletter(, so you’re informed about new features, bug fixes, freebies, etc.but the settings for that “location” stay the same,
so the new content that goes to that “location” is going to keep the same merged format.Unacceptable. That is a FLAW or BUG, not a feature suggestion. Tables OR Spreadsheets do not have this problem.
When you delete row 5 (for example), the NEW row 5 (previously Row 6) should keep its original formatting. It should NOT apply the OLD ROW 5 formatting to the new Row 5. NEW Row 5 should keep its formatting from when it was Row 6. Asking me to suggest a Feature Suggestion and then WAIT for you to decide if it is a good idea and then WAIT for it to get done is unacceptable. I will go find a different plugin and make this video public because this is something that makes it so we can create a table but ANYTIME we want to edit this table and add or delete a row, we would have to start from scratch. That makes NO SENSE at all.
Does the paid version of your plugin have the same issue?
I am going to make this video public to show this BUG.
FATAL FLAW on wpDataTables WordPress Plugin – Delete Row causes all Rows Below to Change Formatting. When you try to delete a ROW in your table, the plugin will delete that row BUT not the formatting for that row so that the next row below it will inherit the formatting AND all Rows below it consecutively inherit the formatting from the row above. So for example if Row 5 was 3 separate columns and row 6 was 3 merged columns and row 7 was 3 separate columns then if you DELETE Row 5, then Row 6 will automatically separate into 3 columns and row 7 will merge into 1 column and you will LOSE any data in row 7 columns 2 & 3. There is no solution – you can not delete a Row in your Table if ANY of the rows below it unless they are all the same formatting as the row you are deleting. You would have to make a brand new table and start from scratch. According to wpDataTables support this is how the plugin is SUPPOSED to work.
Hello, @charrabennett.
Firstly my sincerest apology for the initial response.
Initially, we have cooperated with our QA testing Team, and they have confirmed what is the current default behavior.
But we also reached out to our development Team and our management checked everything, we confirmed that this is indeed not the intended behaviour, as you pointed out.
You are absolutely right, and we have flagged this as a bug.
We completely agree with you, and once again, we apologise for the inconvenience and for the initial response.
Our developers will work to resolve this as quickly as possible, we can’t guarantee an exact ETA due to unpredictable factors that can happen during building a fix, but you can follow our changeLog to check when the bug has been fixed at this page (,where we state any changes/new features/bug fixes during updates;
and if you wish, you can subscribe to our newsletter(, so you’re informed about new features, bug fixes, freebies, etc.
Thank you for pointing this out.
Thank you – I did see there was an update over the weekend but the changelog does NOT say whether it is fixing this bug. When I tried to duplicate the issue, it is still doing it. Can you please ask them to clearly state the fix in the Changelog?
The fix for this is still not finished.
Of course, we have passed the feedback and they will make sure to make a clear patch note about this fix in the changeLog when it gets added to one of the following updates.
We will do our absolute best to add the fix as quickly as possible.Hello again, @charrabennett.
We are just following up on this issue,
wanted to advise you that our developers have built a fix for this behaviour to improve the deletion of rows or columns in Simple tables.Our QA Testers are conducting testing to make sure that there is no negative effect on any other plugin functionalities,
and the devs should be able to implement this fix for the next Update,
which is planned at Wednesday.
We are just not able to promise the exact day, because there are some unpredictable factors that can postpone it.
As soon as all the testing is complete, the update will be released and it should be fixed.
We will be here if you have any questions.
Thank you.
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