• hello.. can someone please shine some light on what i need to do please!

    I was deleting a plugin through my https://ftp.. and I deleted the entire pluggable.php file does anyone know what I can do?
    I’m freaking out!!:OOO

    Warning: require(/nfs/c06/h08/mnt/184806/domains/africologymedia.com/html/wp-includes/pluggable.php) [function.require]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /nfs/c06/h08/mnt/184806/domains/africologymedia.com/html/wp-settings.php on line 220

    Fatal error: require() [function.require]: Failed opening required ‘/nfs/c06/h08/mnt/184806/domains/africologymedia.com/html/wp-includes/pluggable.php’ (include_path=’.:/usr/local/php-5.3.29/share/pear’) in /nfs/c06/h08/mnt/184806/domains/africologymedia.com/html/wp-settings.php on line 220

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  • Download the WordPress ZIP file, un-zip it to yoru PC and use FTP to transfer any files that you’ve deleted by accident. Just don’t upload the wp-config.php file, or anything in the wp-content folder and you should be fine.

    Thread Starter yannaode


    Thanks for your help!! Thats what I ended up doing.. took a minute but all worked out yay! the only thing is i lost all my plugins and it won’t let me install plugins.. i think i messed something else up as well. any ideas?..

    What do you mean by “lost” the plugins? Are they not in the list, or did you delete their files from the server?

    If they aren’t in the list, but they are on the server, it could be a permissions issue, but not 100% sure. As you say you can’t installl plugins, it does sound like a permissions problem. Do you get any error messages when you try, or what actually happens?

    If you’ve deleted the files from the server you’ll need to re-upload the files again.

    Thread Starter yannaode


    The Plugins are still showing in my FTP . plugin folder…
    but they don’t appear on the site….

    When I try to start and reinstall them: I get this message…
    Could not create directory. /nfs/c06/h08/mnt/184806/domains/africologymedia.com/html/wp-content/plugins/contextual-related-posts/


    That’s server file permissions. Check what the permissions on the /wp-content/plugins/ folder are. It should be either 755 or 777. if it is, then you should contact your howting company and ask them for advice as anything else will be way beyond what we can do here.

    I am affraid that you will have to re-do the entire designing and developing effort. Probably you have spent a lot of time customizing this plug-in for your need and now you accidently deleted this plugin and all your setup and customisation gone. Its a nightmare, partcularly if you are doing this development online.

    If you were doing it online, then you can ask your host, if they have any backup copy of your entire website. If not, then re-start. ??

    For more info My Blog

    @tajcomputers – Your blog has nothing to do with this problem, please don’t add links in here just ot get backlinks for your own site. It’s very much frowned upon in these parts.

    Thread Starter yannaode


    Word. Thanks Catacaustic for your help! Appreciate it.. The number was #666 on the permissions.. i changed it to #777 but still didn’t affect anything.. Talked to my hosting site and they weren’t much help. Here’s a link i was given gonna try to follow it and see if theres something I’m missing


    Agreed, our blog has nothing to do with your issue, but there were few similar inquiries in the past from our followers in India and we tried to solve their issues in the comments section of our blog.

    As far as back-links are concerned, we have enough local traffic and business opportunities to keep ourseleves busy. Was just sharing my thougt.

    Kind regards,

    Thread Starter yannaode


    HI Im still having problems with the plugins…

    I tried changing the permission but still doesn’t work.

    I tried replacing the plugin function.php file and so forth on wordpress still no go.

    any ideas would be much appreciate..

    I lost a lot of plugins which is a bummer but right now i just want to be able to install plugins and start over ..


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