• Resolved Miriam Lena



    I was in the midst of making the transfer from wordpress.com to www.ads-software.com and made the mistake of thinking that I needed to delete the databases in order to start over with www.ads-software.com. Now when I try to use my domain: miriamlena.com, it says “error establishing a database connection”. I exported everything before hand to import to www.ads-software.com later, and I think I have a backup, but I’m unsure how to properly retrieve. Even if I can’t retrieve it, I would even just appreciate being able to start fresh with a blank slate on www.ads-software.com using my domain name from wordpress.com (miriamlena.com) and hosted by bluehost.

    I appreciate any information you might have to help me!


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  • Hi miriam,

    Let’s try first and get your old posts back..

    What you backed up and saved do you have a file saved something.sql or .zip

    Or just give me a screen shot of all the files u got backed up..

    Are you using cPanel?

    Thread Starter Miriam Lena



    I have an .xml file that was created when I exported. I am using cPanel.

    I can’t upload a screenshot for some reason, but this is how it begins:
    <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>
    This is a WordPress eXtended RSS file generated by WordPress as an export of your site.
    It contains information about your site’s posts, pages, comments, categories, and other content.
    You may use this file to transfer that content from one site to another.
    This file is not intended to serve as a complete backup of your site.

    To import this information into a WordPress site follow these steps:
    1. Log in to that site as an administrator.
    2. Go to Tools: Import in the WordPress admin panel.
    3. Install the “WordPress” importer from the list.
    4. Activate & Run Importer.
    5. Upload this file using the form provided on that page.
    6. You will first be asked to map the authors in this export file to users
    on the site. For each author, you may choose to map to an
    existing user on the site or to create a new user.
    7. WordPress will then import each of the posts, pages, comments, categories, etc.
    contained in this file into your site.
    <!– generator=”WordPress.com” created=”2016-01-08 19:44″–>
    <rss version=”2.0″ xmlns:excerpt=”https://www.ads-software.com/export/1.2/excerpt/&#8221; xmlns:content=”https://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/content/&#8221; xmlns:wfw=”https://wellformedweb.org/CommentAPI/&#8221; xmlns:dc=”https://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/&#8221; xmlns:wp=”https://www.ads-software.com/export/1.2/”&gt;
    <title>Miriam Lena</title>
    So I’m not sure that this will actually do any good.

    You need to look for a file ending in (.sql)

    This file will not be with all your other blog folders.. It would have been downloaded separately..

    Did you delete the database from your cPanel if so did you try to restore it from backup on cpanel (if your cPanel is set to daily backups)

    Do you still have access to your wordpress.com site?

    Sorry for all the questions I want to tackle them all at once

    Thread Starter Miriam Lena


    That’s alright! I have access to my wordpress.com site but if I try to click on any of the posts, bluehost gives me a 404 error that they may have been changed or moved.
    I deleted from hosting – databases under My SQL Databases. And I looked for any files ending in .sql and I don’t see any. I also checked under Backup and Restore and although it shows backup folders for September and today, they are empty. I definitely screwed up, but I honestly don’t mind just starting fresh. I have all my blog posts saved separately and there weren’t many to begin with.

    Can u email me [contact details removed by moderator per forum rules]
    If you want send me username and password to both cpanel and wordpress and I will sort out for free..

    I won’t share data with anyone once I’m done u can Change your password..

    I’m legit see my Web [Link redacted]

    Thread Starter Miriam Lena


    Thanks for the offer, but I would prefer not to make you do that. But if you could point me in the right direction that would be much appreciated! I know it must be frustrating from your end.

    When it shows on your phone it’s probably your phones cache..

    Best thing to do to start from the beginning go to cPanel – wordpress delete the installation and and re install

    Does your cPanel have Softaculous?

    Thread Starter Miriam Lena


    I don’t see Softaculous in my cPanel. And you’re right about my phone’s cache. As for deleting the installation, the only place I can find to do that is under cpanel “settings” and it says “Outdated WordPress Settings for /public_html/miriamlena/:” and then a button that says “delete site”. Is that what you mean? Underneath settings it gives me the option for a new wordpress install.


    Do you have any apps on cpanel.. Is wordpress listed there?

    Thread Starter Miriam Lena


    I’m going through the apps on cpanel and it’s so odd, there’s no app for wordpress. There is only an app for installing wordpress. And another app to view my installs, which includes:

    URL: https://www.miriamlena.com/
    Version: 4.3.1 | Upgrade | Uninstall | Advanced |Reset Password |Secure This Domain
    Backup Site
    Admin Login

    URL: https://www.miriamlena.com/
    Version: 4.4.1 | Uninstall | Advanced |Reset Password |Secure This Domain
    Backup Site
    Admin Login

    and they are under mojomarketplace.com

    Okay awesome uninstall and then u must install again.. But then wordpress will be default.. As you said u wanted a clean slate so it should work for you..

    You will need to install your themes plugin ect again

    Thread Starter Miriam Lena


    Thanks so much for your help, I’ll try it right now.

    Thread Starter Miriam Lena


    Success! I uninstalled and then installed wordpress again, and it opened as a default like you said. But then I imported my previously exported .xml file and it’s as if nothing happened! I was able to keep everything (except the layout of course). The only other aspects that I lost were the stats – which I knew I would lose regardless just because of the transfer. For future reference, is there actually any way to migrate stats from wordpress.com to www.ads-software.com or is that just a loss you have to take when making the move?

    Thanks again!


    Cool.. Happy for you..

    You can get your stats

    Install a plugin called Jetpack – which asks you to login with wordpress.com your stats will be there and your subscribers

    Thread Starter Miriam Lena


    Thanks so much for your help.

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