• Hello! Recently, we`ve encountered a really strange bug in the latest version of Woocommerce 9.1.2. We have a lot of reused images in our products. The same attachments are attached to many different products in the same category, mostly in their galleries. So, when we delete such an image, we expect Wooommerce to detach that image from all related products, but currently that doesn’t happen, though I remember that working before. When I try to delete or even manually detach an image from the “Media” WordPress tab, the product gallery still contains the same attachment IDs. You can check the https://devtest.insulationwholesale.co.uk/kingspan-kooltherm-k15-rainscreen-cladding-insulation-100mm/ page, where you can see that the second image takes up space and displays as a separate product image but doesn’t have any url as the attachment was already deleted. The Woocommerce product still has the attachment’s ID in the product gallery array, and when it tries to display the image, an empty string is returned. You can open the inspect tab in your browser and search the “Product attachment ids are” string, and you will see my var dumps that display the product gallery ID list and main product image ID. Also note that I already cleared all transients, and it doesn’t work. Also, please note that I checked it on the store front theme and with the disabled plugins, and the problem still remains the same. So the solution for that problem should be to clear attachments’s IDs from everywhere in Woocommerce products and categories automatically.

    Best regards,

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Thread Starter danyloliptuha


    Just let me know if you can replicate the described issue and what exact steps you do for that.

    1. Have you opened the “Inspect tab” in your browser? Do you see the empty div element of the deleted image?
    2. Did you try to var_dump product gallery directly after image deletion using $product->get_gallery_image_ids() WITHOUT entering product edit page to find out that the deleted image id is still there?
    3. Also, you still didn’t provide the file path where you perform clearing image id from all related products after deletion as I asked you.

    Hey, @danyloliptuha!

    I totally understand not wanting to tell it all again.

    You can share the thread link on the ticket and our Happiness Engineers will read it before replying so you don’t have to repeat anything ??

    But at the moment it is better to open a ticket so the Happiness Engineer team can investigate this issue further and provide more in-depth support for you. ??

    If you really prefer not to do this, it’s okay, please let us know and we will keep it here ??

    Have a wonderful day!

    Thread Starter danyloliptuha


    @carolm29 @anastas10s I would like to keep it in here. Please assist with my issue and provide the details I asked for.

    Plugin Support Zubair Zahid (woo-hc)


    Hello danyloliptuha

    Thank you for your reply.

    The reason we asked you to create a ticket is that this issue requires a more in-depth diagnosis.
    This forum has its limitations and opening a ticket will allow us to assist you further effectively.
    Rest assured, you do not need to explain anything again.
    We understand the value of your time.

    You could simply create a ticket and use this forum’s link as a reference.
    After that, our Happiness Engineers at Woo will take it from there.

    We are committed to resolve this issue. ??

    Best regards.

    Thread Starter danyloliptuha


    @doublezed2 @carolm29 @anastas10s That is what I received in from support:

    Hey there!

    This support channel is for the paid extensions sold on WooCommerce.com. I see your question is regarding the free WooCommerce plugin.

    Our paid Premium Support offer gives you peace of mind through priority access to our personalized, dedicated support. This includes the free WooCommerce plugin and gives you monthly access to a 30-minute video call.

    Premium Support:?https://woocommerce.com/products/woocommerce-premium-support/

    If you need help with a plugin you purchased from us, or if you’ve purchased Premium Support, please let us know so we can help you further. In your response, please share the email address used for the purchase so we can connect with the correct account.

    Otherwise, you can find solutions for issues related to the core WooCommerce plugin in our core documentation?and self-service guide. We work hard to make sure that common support scenarios are covered in our documentation so that you can find the answers you need exactly when you need them, rather than waiting for a reply from us.

    Core documentation:?https://woocommerce.com/documentation/woocommerce/getting-started/
    Self-service guide:?https://woocommerce.com/document/woocommerce-self-service-guide/

    If you aren’t able to find your answers there, support for the core plugin is handled in our community forums. This allows you to get help from the WooCommerce and WordPress community in addition to our Happiness Engineers, who also monitor forum questions. WooCommerce is open-source software: asking your question there allows the community to benefit from the answers to everyone’s questions.

    Here are the links to popular forums:

    WooCommerce Stripe:?https://www.ads-software.com/support/plugin/woocommerce-gateway-stripe/?;
    WooCommerce Square:?https://www.ads-software.com/support/plugin/woocommerce-square/?;
    Facebook for WooCommerce:?https://www.ads-software.com/support/plugin/facebook-for-woocommerce/

    If you haven’t created a www.ads-software.com account to use the forums, here’s how:?https://make.www.ads-software.com/contribute/join/

    So you say that I should create a ticket and they say I need to use the support forum for core WooCommerce plugin. It’s kind of confusing.

    Please, if you’ve already used your test sites to replicate the issue, then you can answer my questions above. Here I can repeat them for you:

    1. Have you opened the “Inspect tab” in your browser? Do you see the empty div element of the deleted image?
    2. Did you try to var_dump product gallery directly after image deletion using $product->get_gallery_image_ids() WITHOUT entering product edit page to find out that the deleted image id is still there?
    3. Also, you still didn’t provide the file path where you perform clearing image id from all related products after deletion as I asked you.

    And here I can repeat what my problem is:

    I’ve come even further and installed totally clean WordPress, installed WooCommerce and added couple of products. I uploaded new images in media library and then attached it to a few products. Then I deleted image and I can still see the extra image on the product page inside FlexSlider and in the thumbnails. Please see the screenshot below.

    View post on imgur.com

    Standard WordPress and Woocommerce themes just do not display these empty <img/> and <a> because they will not have any width and height in CSS, but if you open the Inspect tab you will clearly see the empty <a> tag inside flex slider and empty <img> tag inside product thumbs. The only difference that my theme has some css styles that applies some width and height to those elements. But it`s clearly the bug of WooCommerce.</p> <p>The problem is absolutely not theme-related. It`s a global bug in WooCommerce. I installed the absolutely new, clean version of WordPress and the absolutely new, clean Woocommerce, created a few products, and could still replicate the issue. Have you seen the screenshot I attached? Could you tell me exactly where WooCommerce clears deleted attachments from the product gallery? If you create a product on the standard WP Twenty-Twenty-four theme, delete it, and look in the inspect tab. You will clearly see empty tags as WooCommerce tries to render attachments by ID and fails to retrieve them as they were deleted. So it just displays the empty string inside the a and img tags. Still, the ids of deleted attachments remain inside the product gallery; they’re present in the database. WooCommerce tries to render those attachments and creates separate tags and blocks for them. That block just has zero width and height only because of CSS styles in those themes, so that bug is just hard to notice visually. But you can still look inside the source code, like I showed in my screenshot. You can still var_dump the actual product gallery attachment IDs using $product->get_gallery_image_ids() to find out that the product gallery contains attachment IDs that do not exist anymore. You can even place some CSS code to add some width and height explicitly to the product thumbnail, and you will see that there are some empty image tags in there. WooCommerce does not clear the deleted attachment IDs from products or category galleries. Please let me know when you will fix this issue that can be replicated even on a standard WP theme with clean WooCommerce installed.

    Thread Starter danyloliptuha


    Please answer my questions and let me know when this issue is fixed.

    Hi there,

    My apologies for the confusing back and forth here. We’ve now replied directly to your ticket and will be happy to continue troubleshooting this over email.

    Thanks for your understanding!

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