Hi @dwheditor ,
WP Offload Media Support Team here. Thanks for reaching out with your query, we would be happy to assist!
“When I upgrade to delete those images of my server and only be stored in Amazon, will they still be linked to all the correct blogs and pages? Will the old ones already attached also still be linked or just the new ones moving forward from the upgrade?”
— If your blogs and pages are already using the offloaded version of the image URLs, then they should still be linked correctly after you remove the files from the server (by using the Remove all files from server tool). Old images that are already offloaded will still continue to work and their files will be included from the removal.
However, do keep in mind that there are some compatibility issues with other plugins if local media is removed from the server.
“And then if i did want to re download them back to my wordpress/server will they still then be linked correctly to the blogs/pages?”
— Yes, as long as they are offloaded to the bucket, their links should still use the offloaded version and should continue to work correctly. So whether you have the files on your server or not, it won’t matter as long as they are offloaded to the bucket.
“Secondly, I may need to create a new properly names Amazon bucket to re write the url link and server them from Cloudflare. Will these previous 300+ blogs still have the images from the old bucket attached or will they be broken?”
— If you change your bucket on a site where files were already offloaded to a different bucket, WP Offload Media would offer to copy them for you. But if you skip copying the media, the images in the old bucket should still work. Only new uploaded images in the Media Library item will use the new bucket.
More information about this below:
Let us know if you have any other questions.