• Once upon a time in history I installed Nextcellent for a reason I have forgotten. I later uninstalled it and continued to use Nextgen Gallery. During a cleanup of my database using the WP Optimize plugin, I recently discovered there were three tables all containing this text:

    Belongs to: nextcellent-gallery-nextgen-legacy [not installed]”

    The other two tables were called ngg_gallery and ngg_pictures.

    Unfortunately I clicked on the Remove button next to all three.

    Consequence: They were removed alright. But a sign popped up thanking me that I had installed Nextgen Gallery. Which I hadn’t, because it was already installed. Anyway, I checked the content of my galleries and albums. There were none. Everything had been removed, or so it seemed from within the WP dashboard.

    I checked my server, opened the SQL window and found the Nextgen Gallery tables removed. The NGG plugin was in the plugin folder, the photos still in their libraries. But the connection was lost.

    It may be that the “Belongs to:… ” statement fooled my. I had seemingly not removed the nextcellent tables, but the actual NGG tables.

    Then everything broke down and I’m currently unable to login to my website’s WP dashboard. In addition the website is not showing online at all.

    This is a warning. And also a question about why the h… Nextcellent tables were not removed when I deleted the plugin, and why they still seemingly occupy Nextgen database tables long after Nextcellent has been deleted and otherwise removed. Moreover, how do I fix it?

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  • Anonymous User 9105421


    Well actually NextCellent Gallery – NextGEN Legacy and Nextgen Gallery are in origin one and the same program and both use and depend on the same database tables. When you switch between these two plugins the database tables should not be deleted.

    So if WP Optimize marked the “ngg_” tables as obsolete when you are still using one of them its a mistake on their part.

    Besides that its good practice not to mess with databases unless you have a backup.

    One thing you could try to at least get access back to your site is to connect to it with FTP and remove the Nextgen Gallery plugin folder from wp-content > plugins, download and keep a copy of it on your computer just in case.

    When you do not have a backup of your database then you lost all your Nextgen uploads. Maybe check with your hosting (if you have that), if they maybe have some form of backup to help you out and restore to.

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