• I loved this idea and thought it’d be perfect for posting prints of artwork, but it will not work as a Variable Product, only as a Grouped Product. This means I can’t have multiple attributes for one product. The way this works is if you want a print with multiple sizes, each print size must be it’s own product. This isn’t required if you do it as a variable product.

    Allow me to use it as a variable product with the attributes I’ve already made, and I will gladly pay $30 The built-in watermarking would be nice too. Otherwise, this plugin doesn’t meet my needs :<

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  • But if you use Grouped Products, the the plugin functions just fine, yes? So is it really fair to call it a “demo” because it didn’t fit your needs? Trialware or “demos” are not allowed in the www.ads-software.com plugin repository. Only functional plugins.

    Thread Starter djnativus


    My bad. I meant to say the watermarking caused it to be a demo as it throws a logo of all images and even the thumbnails. No website could use this plugin with someone elses logo covering up all their products. So to me it is a demo as it’s not functional without heavy limitations.

    Thank you @esmi.

    @djnativus BPTPI does not apply the watermark to the original photo, which is what is delivered to Customers when they purchase.

    As for Attributes, this was a limitation by WooCommerce and was completely beyond our control when we built the Plugin. WooCommerce simply didn’t support complex Variable and Grouped products. But since WooCommerce 2.0 they expanded that and we’ve begun development on 3.0 which overcomes that frustrating obstacle.

    As for the custom watermark, you can replace the watermark in free if you like, or you can purchase Premium which offers a Setting for that as well. We’ve listed that on the WordPress Plugins directory page, our website and on the demonstration site.



    Hi Portland company !

    I am facing the same frustration as Djnativus.
    Will you soon be ready ? or will it be a current 2015 release ?

    Thanks for this almost spot-on extension !


    @ct197475 – Please re-read the thread.

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